THE cost of swimming sessions and cemetery memorials in York is set to rise to cope with the increase in VAT in the new year.

City of York Council also proposes increasing some waste charges and the price of pest control, as well as the fees for using the city’s skate park, from the start of January.

The rises are planned due to the VAT rate leaping from 17.5 per cent to 20 per cent. A report going before the authority’s executive next week claims keeping the charges at their current level would mean the council having to foot a £50,000 bill.

Under the proposals, the cost of some memorial plaques, discs, seats and vases at the city’s cemeteries would increase by several pounds. The charge for caskets would increase by £1.10 and entries in books of remembrance would also be more expensive.

Pest control visits which lead to no treatment being required and the cost of dealing with insect and rodent problems at commercial properties are set to cost £1 more from January onwards, while charges for the collection of trade waste and the price of some library services would also increase.

Meanwhile, rises of 5p and 10p are proposed for various swimming sessions and visits to The Zoo skate park are set to increase from £1.50 to £1.55.

Any extra money taken would not be kept by the council, instead going to HM Revenue and Customs in VAT payments.

Council leader Andrew Waller said: “These proposed increases are purely due to the VAT rise and the council does not derive any additional income.

“If we don’t take this course of action, we would need to find the funds from somewhere else.”

A VAT drop to 15 per cent earlier this year did not see the cost of council services in York fall accordingly, and Labour group leader Coun James Alexander said: “Residents want to see fairness and consistency, not being conned when it suits the council’s executive.”