A LOCAL cadet has urged adult volunteers to help keep North Yorkshire’s Army Cadet Force (ACF) detachments running.

Karl Whittaker, 17, of Huntington, is a corporal at the Strensall detachment, which he has been attending for about three years.

The Joseph Rowntree School pupil said qualifications, such as a BTEC and his Duke of Edinburgh Award, he had attained through the cadets would boost his career prospects.

Karl, who attends cadets twice a week and takes part in several camping trips, has joined the appeal launched by the ACF to find volunteers for its Acomb, Fulford, Lumley and Strensall detachment.

The organisation has 1,600 cadets across 15 detachments in North Yorkshire, but fears some may close if they cannot get more volunteers.

He said: “I joined because I wanted to join the armed forces, and it is good fun and you get a lot of lifetime opportunities. I’ve been to the Himalayas with the cadets.”

Volunteers do not need any military experience to become an instructor and can gain qualifications for themselves. For details, visit rfca-yorkshire.org.uk/rfca/vacancies or phone 01904 450 029.