TOP fashion and beauty houses in York are coming together for a catwalk event to raise vital funds for a cancer charity.

Eye-catching designs will be the order of the day at the catwalk show hosted by students from St Peter’s School, in Bootham, on Friday, with some of the most trend-setting faces in Yorkshire lending their support.

Female and male students at the school will model the designs at the event, with Miss York, Anastasia Smith, also set to strike a sensation on the catwalk.

Leading fashion label LK Bennett will showcase its current Red Label collection, aimed at its younger customers, courtesy of its branch in Low Petergate.

Fashion house Hobbs will be showing from its NW3 label, and Molly Browns will be showcasing its evening wear. Leading York milliner Suzanne Gill will be providing the finishing touches to the girls’ outfits.

For the men, clothes will be shown from York menswear retailers Orvis and Robert Smart.

Those attending the event will be entitled to up to 20 per cent discount from selected retailers.

The event is in aid of the Barbados Cancer Society, to support its bone-marrow transplant programme for teenagers.

Erica Town, spokeswoman for the school, said the hockey and netball team play in Barbados each year and when they play in the country this autumn half-term they hope to be able to hand over a cheque to the cancer charity.

She said the students had organised the event by themselves and hoped to raise at least £500 for the cause.

The event, in the Memorial Hall, begins at 7.30pm, with doors open from 6.30pm. Cupcakes and cocktails will be served.

More than 250 tickets have been sold, but there are still some available.

To buy a ticket, costing £8 for adults and £2.50 for students, phone the school on 01904 527300 or email