A POLICE officer from York has undergone training with US law enforcement officers to become one of only seven drug recognition experts in the UK.

Traffic Constable Yvonne Taylor, who is based at Tadcaster, took an intensive scholarship course in Sacramento, California, to qualify as a drug recognition expert, and now has the skills and knowledge to prove drug impairment on drivers.

The qualification is fully recognised by the court system, and North Yorkshire Police hope it will help in the annual fight against drink and drug drivers, which starts on December 1.

Traffic Sergeant Ian Pope, of North Yorkshire Police’s Roads Policing Group, said: “TC Taylor’s trip to America, which was financed by the International Police Association, means she is now a qualified drugs recognition expert.

“This is a massive positive for North Yorkshire Police in the fight against drug driving and TC Taylor’s skills will make it far easier for us to prove offences have been committed and bring offenders to justice. If you take drugs and drive in North Yorkshire and the City of York, you are more likely than ever to be stopped, tested and prosecuted and you will lose your licence.”

TC Taylor also spent part of the summer enhancing her drug recognition skills with Cheshire Police at the Creamfields dance music festival, conducting Field Impairment Tests on drivers leaving the festival, which attracted over 50,000 people.

The tests include pupil dilation tests, walking in a straight line, and balance and time judgement assessments, and will be used on drivers this Christmas.

Sgt Pope said: “We are determined to reduce the harm that drink and drug- driving causes in North Yorkshire and the City of York. It is a selfish practice and I am very pleased that we have taken the opportunity to increase our officers’ skills.”