A SEASONAL dip in blood stocks has prompted health chiefs in our region to issue an urgent Christmas appeal for donations in December.

People of O negative and B negative blood groups in particular are being asked to donate at a time when supplies of blood traditionally dip.

Jon Latham, assistant director of marketing and donor contact service at NHS Blood and Transplant, said: “Blood donors from every blood group are needed every day. However, we are taking a range of additional measures including radio advertising and targeted marketing to encourage more O Rh negative and B Rh negative donors to book appointments to give blood before Christmas.

“If more donors can spare the time to give blood in December this will give blood stocks a timely lift in the run up to Christmas and allow them to be maintained at a constant level as January approaches. We would like to reassure everyone that blood stocks are not low and patient care has not been affected in any way.”

Dr Phil Kirby, interim director of public health at NHS North Yorkshire and York, said: “Every day, thousands of people need lifesaving blood transfusions and by giving blood you’ll be giving them the ultimate Christmas present.

“Just one unit of blood can save the life of three adults or seven babies. For those needing blood transfusions, blood donors really are their lifeline.”

Dr Kirby said “please don’t leave it to someone else” when it comes to donating blood.

Donors with blood group O Rh negative are typically known as universal donors, as their blood can be given to patients with a different blood group. This can prove vital in an emergency situation, say doctors, when there may not be time for an immediate blood grouping test to be carried out. Approximately seven per cent of the population have this blood group.

Libby McManus, chief nurse at York Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, said: “We use around 10,000 units of blood a year at the hospital. It’s vitally important that people continue to give blood at this time of year so that we can provide lifesaving support and treatment to patients who rely on blood donations.”

The NHS also said donors with the blood group B Rh negative were more often found in black and minority ethnic (BME) communities but only two per cent of the population have this blood group and more donors of a BME origin are particularly needed.

To find out more about becoming a blood donor or to book an appointment, phone the donor line on 0300 123 23 23.

York Press: The Press - Comment

The greatest gift

CHRISTMAS shopping is on most people’s minds at the moment and it is all too easy to put normal, day-to-day things on hold – things like donating blood, which always suffers during the festive period.

This year, though, the situation is serious and health chiefs have issued an urgent appeal for donations during December.

Comedian Tony Hancock may have claimed he gave “very nearly an armful”, but in reality we are only asked to donate one unit, which is 450ml. And it goes a long way. Dr Phil Kirby tells us today that is enough to save the life of three adults or seven babies.

Nearly three million donations are required in the UK each year to keep pace with demand, but only five per cent of the population are registered donors. It only takes ten minutes of your time, so why not give one really important present this Christmas by donating some blood.

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