WOMEN have “pulled out all the stops” to stage a record 78 events in York to mark International Women’s Week during the city’s 800th anniversary year.

Co-ordinator Sue Lister said the week, between March 3 and March 10, would offer a “fabulous diversity of events”, spurred on by the York 800 celebrations which mark the anniversary of King John granting the city a Royal Charter.

Sue said events would include a highly entertaining “Loose Women” panel, with outspoken women councillors and staff brought together by City of York Council, and 17 different ways to health and well-being – from life coaching to aromatherapy and facial rejuvenation.

“Our history will be explored in Just One Street, introducing a book which describes the lives of residents in one Edwardian terrace in Bootham over the course of a century,” she said.

“Make Do And Mend will look at the ingenuity of women in keeping up with fashion trends from Georgian times to World War Two, feminists will take a new look at our past and future and a Yorkwalk will lead people through the city’s streets and tell the stories of literary women of York and women in York history.”

Sue said women from Palestine would be visiting, with three events providing a better understanding of the crucial role they play in social and political life under the Israeli occupation.

“Postgraduates from the University of York have created a one-day conference on Sport, Gender and Media to look at issues that will be affecting the London Olympics as well as ordinary sporting opportunities around the UK.”

Gardeners look set to be in clover with advice from a chiropractor at Dean’s Garden Centre and from an Alexander Technique expert at the Brunswick Nurseries.

“On the social side, there is a tea party to raise funds for Oxfam at the Healing Clinic and carers are invited to an arts and crafts gathering at City Mills.”

She said the full programme for the week could be seen by going to yorkwomen.org.uk or could be found in libraries, city centre outlets and on the city’s streets.