A BLOCKBUSTER multi-million pound contract to install French-made commercial wind turbines throughout the UK has been won by a North Yorkshire renewable technologies business.

The vast contract is potentially worth £35 million for ICE Renewables of Northallerton. It was secured from France’s only wind turbines manufacturer, Vergnet Groupe, and was signed after the North Yorkshire firm received contract law advice from a newly created sustainable technologies team at York lawyers Denison Till.

The three-year contract will see the £750,000 turnover ICE Renewables doubling its staff over the next three years to 40, as it supplies 70 Vergnet GEV-MP 275kW wind turbines by 2013.

The North Yorkshire company, whose services include site identification and planning, is also working with Denison Till to establish a nationwide supplier network to install Fortis small wind turbines throughout the UK.

Led by Julian Martin, managing director, ICE Renewables will supply, install and maintain the French wind turbines for customers in agriculture, manufacturing, community schemes, country estates and business parks.

The turbine projects cost about £500,000 each and, claims the company, average a less than five-year return.

The turbines can power milking parlours or equipment and refrigeration where dairy products, such as cheeses and yoghurts, are made and stored; support a wide range of manufacturing operations and help remote communities which currently rely solely on electricity generators.

Mr Martin said: “It is very unusual to negotiate an exclusive nationwide contract for green technology.

“More than 400 Vergnet turbines, designed for the harsh environmental conditions, are installed worldwide and have an excellent track record, which is not always the case with turbines imported to the UK.

“Demand has increased dramatically since the Government’s income-generation incentive took effect. These turbines can allow farmers to diversify by becoming energy generators and enable manufacturers to cut production costs and enhance competitiveness. Denison Till’s support has been crucial in securing acceptable terms to manage our exposure and risk. We could not possibly have got this far without them.”

Denison Till partner Gareth Hevey said: “Part of UK economic growth is forecast to come from green energy. However, much of the technology is made overseas and the proposed legal contracts for UK installers do not take account of English law, and we are becoming increasingly busy advising UK enterprises to protect their best interests as they grow in this fast-moving sector.”