A “PREDATORY” paedophile rapist has been jailed indefinitely because of the significant threat he poses to children.

David McCormick, 31, was given an indeterminate prison sentence after he pleaded guilty to 12 different charges of rape and sexual assault against two young girls.

York Crown Court heard McCormick terrorised one of his young victims over a period of two years, between 2007 and 2009, forcing her to watch pornographic videos and engage in sexual games. He kept a catalogue of indecent video footage and photos of the child.

He later forced her to engage in sexual activity with another younger girl, said David Garnett for the Crown Prosecution Service.

His reign of terror only ended when the elder child told her mother what had been happened.

York Crown Court heard McCormick, of Stonefell Avenue, Harrogate, walked into a police station and confessed his catalogue of crimes when he heard his actions had come to light.

“You knew the game was up,” said Judge Stephen Ashurst at McCormick’s sentencing.

In mitigation, Jonathon Devlin admitted to the court it was “not easy” to say anything on his client’s behalf, but asked Judge Ashurst to give him credit for his early guilty plea and his full admission to his crimes.

McCormick, who has a previous conviction for hoarding indecent images of children, must serve a minimum of six years before any decision is made regarding his potential for release. He has also been placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register for life.

Judge Ashurst described McCormick as “a devious and deviant man” who poses a “very high risk” to children.

“You committed offences of the utmost gravity,” he said. “You should be detained indefinitely for the peace of the public.”

Detective Inspector Karen Warner, from North Yorkshire Police’s Protecting Vulnerable Persons unit, welcomed the sentence.

“David McCormick committed a substantial number of serious offences against two young girls,” she said. “These were thoroughly investigated by the Protecting Vulnerable Persons Unit and he was subsequently charged with a number of offences.

“This prison sentence will ensure that his victims can now grow up safe and protected from harm and further abuse.”