POLICE are hunting a man who broke into the home of a disabled woman in Scarborough.

The victim, in her 60s, was confronted by a man as she went to investigate a noise in the kitchen of her home on Woodlands Avenue at about 3am on Monday.

With the help of her walking frame she got to the kitchen door, where she saw the intruder crouching under a work top.

When she challenged the man, he pushed her forcefully in the chest and she fell to the floor. He then left the house. The woman suffered a slight injury to her face. Police have been conducting forensic investigations at the victim’s home and making house-to-house inquiries. They are appealing for the public to help them locate the offender.

The suspect is white, in his late teens, between 5ft 5ins and 5ft 6ins and thin. He was wearing a grey hooded top, jeans and dark footwear.

Detective Sergeant Angie Carey, of Scarborough CID, said: “I am appealing to all sections of our community to assist in identifying this despicable individual. He has broken into the home of a vulnerable, disabled woman and left her extremely frightened and shaken.”

Anyone who can help the police with their inquiries should phone Scarborough CID on 0845 6060247, or Crimestoppers anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

It is believed the burglar got into the property through a window and police reminded residents to lock doors and windows even when at home.