TWO elderly women have fallen prey to criminals who stole cash, personal items and a set of keys after breaking in or tricking their way in to their victims’ homes.

In the first incident, a 91-year-old woman let a bogus water board official in to her home in Eggborough, near Selby, on Thursday afternoon.

Police said the victim let the man in and did not suspect anything until the following day when a member of the public returned a discarded personal document. It was then the woman realised she had lost cash, a set of car keys and personal items.

In another incident in Wheldrake the same day, burglars targeted a woman in her eighties and stole cash from her house after getting in through an insecure door.

Police said the terrified woman saw one of the men coming out of her bedroom before they left with a box containing cash. Detective Inspector Ian Dyer, of York CID, said: “Targeting the elderly and most vulnerable members of society is deplorable. The victims in these cases have been left very shaken and distressed.

“It is often difficult to convince elderly people not to let strangers into their homes because they believe it is not polite to keep someone on the doorstep.

“I would therefore encourage anyone with elderly parents or relatives to speak with them to reinforce the message not to allow cold-callers inside.”

He warned people that many burglaries are committed by opportunist thieves who pounce on any chance to steal anything left unlocked or attended.

North Yorkshire Police are appealing for anyone who saw any suspicious activity or vehicles in the Wheldrake or Eggborough area on Thursday, or can help identify the men to get in touch.

Det Insp Dyer said: “Never let anyone in who you don’t know, use a door chain or sign up to our nominated neighbour scheme. Locking doors, even while you are in the house, is a must and do not leave tempting valuables on view. Anyone with information is asked to phone York CID on 0845 60 60 247.