THE York and North Yorkshire Sports Special School Sports Partnership are back in the spotlight.

The partnership were presented with a national Youth Sport Trust Award for their outstanding disability competition programme last month.

And this month, organisers of the partnership were belatedly presented with the regional award – which led to their national nomination – by Ben Grady, of the Youth Sport Trust.

The accolade was for the organisation’s efforts to increase the range of sporting opportunities and competitions for young people with disabilities.

Grady visited a competitive boccia and kurling event at Poppleton Community Centre for all special schools in York and North Yorkshire, and some pupils from mainstream schools.

The partnership is run by Sally Evans, school games organiser, Val French, school sports co-ordinator for York special schools, and Ben Noble and Maureen Breen, school sports co-ordinators for North Yorkshire’s special schools.

French said: “We won the award for our calendar of festivals and competitions, which has grown from five to 20 in the last seven years, incuding two recent additions of a rebound therapy festival at Hob Moor Oaks in October, plus a dance and movement and wheelchair dance festival to come in the new year.

“It also recognised our involving our young sports leaders from schools and colleges.”