New Earswick All Blacks ARLC are desperate for players for their under-12s side.

The team play in Yorkshire Junior League division two on Saturdays and train at New Earswick Sports Ground on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6pm to 7.30pm. Coaches include former York RL star Chris Judge.

Anyone interested should phone Judge on 07919 033113 or Rich Elders on 07946 744921.

Heworth U14s also need new players. They play on Sunday mornings and train at Elmpark Way on Wednesdays from 6pm to 7pm, moving to York St John’s all-weather pitch on Malton Road at the end of October.

Anyone interested should phone Pete Rawsthorne on 07835 698626 or go down to training.

• Don’t miss the Park Life pullout, free with The Press on Saturdays, for a round-up of all the local junior rugby league action.