KEY York College sports co-ordinator Gordon Staniforth is back in the Football Association fold – and he is thrilled.

Staniforth, the former York City striker, who also served Carlisle United and Plymouth Argyle with distinction in a lengthy Football League career, has been selected as part of an FA party to travel to Romania next week.

The invitation was a complete surprise to Staniforth, who is the sports development centre co-ordinator at York College.

“I got a telephone call from Steve Rutter, who is the head coach of education at the FA. He asked if I would like to join the FA working party to go to Romania,” said Staniforth.

He declared that the call was a boost both for him and also for York College, where he has worked for just over a decade now on raising the profile and establishing the sports development centre, which currently specialises in football, rugby league and basketball.

Added Staniforth: “It came right out of the blue because the last time I was on a similar initiative for the FA it was eight years ago when we travelled to New Zealand.

“I am absolutely delighted at being asked and it’s a great reflection on the college.

“I thought those sort of invitations had passed me by, so to get this call is a major lift and not just for myself.

“It is a boost too for York College and the work we are doing here on the sports development side.”

The FA working party visit is part of an overall strategy devised by Uefa, football’s European governing body which sanctions several inter-country visits across the Continent.

While in Romania, Staniforth and the rest of FA working party will spend several days attending a symposium on coaching, as well as sharing information on various training initiatives linking football to education.

The FA visit is also likely to take in several matches.