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Public Notice



The following applications have been received by the City of York Council PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT AND REGULATIONS 1990
14/02923/LBC for installation of external lighting to front elevation at York City Art Gallery, Exhibition Square, York
14/02947/FUL and 14/02948/LBC for replacement window & installation of external telescopic ladder at Railway Museum Annexe, Leeman Road, York 14/02876/FUL for replacement windows to ground and first floor (retrospective) at Minster Hotel, 58 Bootham, York 14/02794/FULforErection ofdetached dwellingwith integral garage at Keskadale, 14 Low Green, Copmanthorpe, York 14/02996/LBC for roof alterations including replacement fly tower above stage and new dormers above wing dock at York Theatre Royal, St Leonards Place, York 14/02630/LBC for Internal and external alterations in connection with conversion of second and attic floors to 5no. residential units at Second Floor Offices, 22 Pavement,
14/02804/LBC for display of 1no. non-illuminated wall mounted plaque (retrospective) and 1no. non-illuminated hanging sign on existing bracket together with opening up of internal doorway at 86 Micklegate, York 14/02898/LBC for erection of detached building to form 4no. residential units to rear of 36 Clarence Street at 36 Clarence Street, York
14/02888/FUL and 14/02889/LBC for conversion of upper floors to 1no. residential unit with first floor extension to form covered walkway linking to existing outbuilding and associated alterations and 14/02890/FUL and 14/02891/ LBC for installation ofexternal door and windowopenings to North Street elevation at Express-o, 13 Bridge Street, York 14/02913/LBC for change of use from offices to 3no. apartmentswith associated alterations atCriminal Reduction Initiatives, 6 Peckitt Street, York
14/02973/FUL for change of use from of outbuilding to 1no. holiday cottage at 36 Monkgate,
14/02980/LBC for internal and external alterations works including installation of sustainable mechanical and electrical services at The Mansion House, St Helens Square, York
14/02861/FUL for conversion of existing building to create student accommodation consisting of 6no. en-suite study bedrooms and 6 no. self contained one bedroom units at Fishergate County Garage, 14 Heslington Lane, York
15/00021/FUL and 15/00022/LBC for construction of
external ramp, conversion of ground floor restaurant to create additional bedrooms, insertion of 2 new lifts, enlargement of guest lavatories and extension of basement restaurant at Grange Hotel, 1 Clifton, York TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (Development Management Procedure) ORDER 2010. Notice under Article 13 (4) or (5) of application for planning permission.
14/02962/OUTM for outline application for erection of 11no. dwellings including approval of means of access at Site Lying Between 92 And 100 The Village, Strensall, York 14/02979/FULM for residential development of 271 dwellings with associated access, public open space, landscaping and infrastructure at Former Civil Service Club, Boroughbridge Road, York
14/02776/FULM for variation of condition 2 of permitted application 14/00363/FULM to alter roof at Block D, Vanbrugh College, Wentworth Way, Heslington, York 14/02862/FULM for erection of tent to accommodate events for a temporary period of 3 years following removal of elevated platform structure at National Railway Museum, Leeman Road, York
14/02881/FULM for erection of three-storey building for the Biology Department (Class D1) at Biology Department, University Of York, University Road, Heslington, York 14/02927/FULM for erection of two-storey school building (use class D1) with associated hard surfaced play and circulation areas and demolition of existing school building at Carr Infant School, Ostman Road, York
Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011. Notice under Regulation 22.
AOD/14/00417 - Details required by Condition 9 (Bat Mitigation) of reserved matters approval 12/00384/REMM pursuant to residential development of land adjacent to Germany Beck, Fulford, York.
Persimmon Homes submitted other information in relation to the environmental statement that was previously provided with 12/00384/REMM on 22 December 2014 as part of the above subsequent application. Copies of the submission may be obtained at the address below at a charge of £10 so long as stocks last.
Applications and plans can be inspected at www.york.gov. uk. Anyone wishing to make representations should do so in writing within 21 days to:-
Development Management, City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA
Dated: 21 January 2015_

Published on 21/01/2015