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Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of February 2014 City of York Council, in exercise of powers under Sections 1, 2, 4, 32, 35, 45, 46, 53 and Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984 ("the Act") and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Schedule 9 of the Act, made an Order which has the effect of:

  1. Introducing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions in York as follows:
    (a) Albemarle Road, on its east side, from the centreline of Lichfield Court north for 12 metres and south for 12 metres,
    (b) Aldborough Way, on its north side, between the projected western building line of No. 1 Aldborough Way (terminal point of existing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions) and the projected southern property boundary line of No. 11 Aldborough Way,
    (c) Bishopthorpe Road, on its east side, from the projected centreline of Reginald Grove north for 15 metres and south for 15 metres,
    (d) Bowes Avenue, on both sides, from the projected north eastern kerbline of Fifth Avenue north east for 12 metres,
    (e) Broadway West, from the edge of carriageway at its western end east for 9 metres onits north side and east for 5 metres on its south side and including the whole length of the west end,
    (f) Burton Stone Lane, on its south east side, from the projected centreline of Glencoe Street south west for 13 metres,
    (g) Caxton Avenue, on both sides, from the projected eastern kerbline of Ouse Acres east for 12 metres,
    (h) Derwent Road, on its:
    (i) north side, between points 10 metres (terminal point of existing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions) and 28 metres east from the projected eastern kerbline of Fulford Road,
    (ii) south side, between points 10 metres (terminal point of existing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions) and 30 metres east from the projected eastern kerbline of Fulford Road,
    (i) Dodsworth Avenue, on both sides, from the projected southern kerbline of Fossway for 12 metres,
    (j) Fifth Avenue, on its north east side, from the projected centreline of Bowes Avenue north west for 15 metres and south east for 15 metres,
    (k) Fossway, on its:
    (i) north side, from the projected centreline of Dodsworth Avenue west for 5 metres,
    (ii) south side, from the projected western kerbline of Dodsworth Avenue west for 9 metres and the projected eastern kerbline of Dodsworth Avenue east for 7 metres,
    (l) Glencoe Street, on both sides, from the projected south eastern kerbline of Burton Stone Lane for 10 metres,
    (m) Kingsway West, on both sides, between a point 12 metres north from the projected northern property boundary line of No. 3 Kingsway West (terminal point of existing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions) and a point 24 metres south from the said line,
    (n) Lichfield Court, on both sides, from the projected eastern kerbline of Albemarle Road east for 12 metres,
    (o) Melrosegate, on its west side, from the projected centreline of Third Avenue north for 15 metres and south for 15 metres,
    (p) Melton Avenue, on both sides, from the projected north eastern kerbline of Rawcliffe Lane north east for 12 metres,
    (q) Oak Rise – Service Road to Elmtree Gardens, in adopted lengths of highway on its:
    (i) east side, from the projected northern building line of No 4 Oak Rise north for 8 metres and south for 12 metres,
    (ii) west side, between 8 metres and 22 metres south from the said line,
    (r) Ouse Acres, on its east side, from the centreline of Caxton Avenue north for 15 metres and south for 15 metres,
    (s) Rawcliffe Lane, on its north east side, from the projected centreline of Melton Avenue north west for 15 metres and south east for 15 metres,
    (t) Redeness Street, York, on both sides and the south eastern turning head, from the projected south eastern property boundary line of No. 15 Redeness Street to the north eastern property boundary line of No. 14 Redeness Street and including the whole length of the south east end,
    (u) Reginald Grove, on both sides, from the projected eastern kerbline of Bishopthorpe Road east for 12 metres,
    (v) Third Avenue, on both sides, from the projected western kerbline of Melrosegate west for 12 metres,
    (w) Trafalgar Street, on its east side, from a point 3 metres north from the northern property boundary line of no. 2 Trafalgar Street north for 7 metres.
  2. Introducing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions in Huntington as follows:
    (a) Greenacres, on both sides, from the projected eastern kerbline of New Lane east for 12 metres,
    (b) Huntington Road, on its north side, from the projected centreline of The Old Village west for 20 metres,
    (c) Keswick Way, on both sides, from the projected western kerbline of North Moor Road west for 17 metres,
    (d) New Lane, on its:
    (i) west side, from the projected centreline of Priory Wood Way north for 15 metres and south for 15 metres,
    (ii) east side, from the projected centreline of Greenacres north for 15 metres and south for 15 metres
    (e) North Moor Road, on its:
    (i) north side, from the projected centreline of The Old Village east for 20 metres,
    (ii) west side, from the projected centreline of Keswick Way north for 15 metres and south for 15 metres,
    (f) Priory Wood Way, on both sides, from the projected western kerbline of New lane west for 12 metres,
    (g) The Old Village, on both sides, from the projected northern kerbline of North Moor Road north for 17 metres.
  3. Introducing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions in Haxby as follows:
    (a) Greenshaw Drive, on both sides, from the projected northern property boundary line of No. 3 Greenshaw Drive south for 11 metres (terminal point of existing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions) and north for 4 metres,
    (b) Holly Tree Lane, on its south side, from a point 15 metres west from the highway boundary line of York Road (terminal point of existing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions) west for 24 metres,
    (c) The Village, on its south west side, from the projected north western boundary line of the service road between No.’s 83 and 85 The Village north west for 15 metres.
  4. Introducing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions in Middlecroft Drive, Strensall, on its south east side, from a point 13 metres west from the projected centreline of Low Croft (terminal point of existing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions) west for 32 metres.
  5. Introducing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions in Heslington/York as follows:
    (a) Sussex Close, on both sides, from the projected north eastern kerbline of Sussex Road north east for 12 metres,
    (b) Sussex Road, on its north east side, from the centreline of Sussex Close north west for 15 metres and south east for 15 metres.
  6. Amending the traffic regulations to accurately reflect, confirm and formalise the existing ‘on street’ layout of waiting restrictions in Olympian Court, York and in Osbaldwick Link Road, Osbaldwick thereby formally revoking waiting restrictions not subject of the said on-street layouts.
  7. Introducing ‘No Waiting from 8am – 6pm’ restrictions in Julia Avenue, Huntington on its west side, from a point 15 metres south from the projected southern kerbline of Jockey Lane south for 45 metres.
  8. Formalising existing (advisory) “School-Keep-Clear” markings extending on the north side of North Lane, Wheldrake, between points 30 metres and 72 metres east from the centreline of Broad Highway and on the east side of Broad Highway, Wheldrake, between points 40 metres and 66 metres north from the projected northern kerbline of North Lane thereby providing an enforceable prohibition on stopping from 8.30am to 9.30am and from 3.00pm to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday at each of the respective locations.
  9. Amending the 24 hour ‘Pay and Display’ parking provision in Priory Street, York, on its north side, to introduce a shared 24 hour ‘Residents Priority’ and ‘Pay and Display’ parking provision from the projected centreline of Dewsbury Terrace north west for 6 metres and south east for 29 metres thereby providing 24 hour unlimited parking for Zone R22 Permit Holders.
  10. Introducing a 24 hour ‘Residents Priority’ parking provision in Dudley Street, York on its south west side, from a point 5 metres south east from the projected south eastern kerbline of Brownlow Street and south east for 10 metres, thereby revoking the existing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restriction from within that length.
  11. Amending the traffic regulations to accurately reflect, confirm and formalise the existing ‘on street’ layout of waiting restrictions in Rectory Gardens and Redeness Street, York.
  12. Introducing ‘No Waiting Monday to Saturday 7am to 5pm’, restrictions in Redeness Street, York on its north east side, from a point 9 metres south east from the projected south eastern kerbline of Redeness Street (terminal point of existing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions) to the projected south eastern property boundary line of No. 15 Redeness Street.
  13. Introducing “No Waiting at any time” restrictions in Malton Avenue, York, on its south west side, from a point 30 metres north west from the projected south eastern kerbline of Heworth Green (terminal point of existing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions) north west for 13 metres;
  14. Introducing in Malton Avenue, York, on its north east side, a parking place with an operational period from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, providing a 120 minutes maximum stay for motor cars and solo motor cycles with a 60 minutes ‘No Return’ period in that length between 30 metres and 42 metres north west from the northern kerbline of Heworth Green;
  15. Introducing a Residents’ Priority Parking Area for all classes of Residents’ Priority Permit holders comprising the whole length of Irwin Avenue and that length of Malton Avenue, York from a point 43 metres north west from its junction with Heworth Green for the remainder of its length the said Area to be identified as Zone R55, that Area to include properties adjacent to and having direct private access to the said lengths of road;
  16. Designating unrestricted lengths of Irwin Avenue and Malton Avenue, York within the proposed Residents’ Priority Parking Area at paragraph 15 as Parking Places for use only by Zone R55 ‘Permit Holders’ during the period from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday the said lengths being identifiable by the placement of upright traffic signs at the Area ‘entry’ and ‘exit’ points (as opposed to the placement of Residents’ Parking signs and road markings adjacent to the kerb);
  17. Amending the traffic regulations to accurately reflect, confirm and formalise the existing layout of ‘on-street’ lengths of Residents’ Priority Parking Places and ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions in that length of Holgate Road, York on its north side between points 23 metres and 173 metres east from the projected centreline of Wilton Rise;
  18. Amending regulatory references and regulatory control of parking provision such amendment to more accurately define the provision for Wedding and Funeral vehicles.
  19. Transferring the residential property at 7 Dewsbury Cottages, York from Residents Priority Special Control Parking Zone R15SC Micklegate to become part of Residents Priority Parking Zone R22 Dewsbury Terrace thereby necessitating the modification of the respective Zonal boundary areas to reflect and formalise that transfer;
  20. amending the designation of the Residents Priority Parking Place in Huntington Road, on its east side, between points 64 metres and 136 metres south from the projected centreline of Dennison Street to become a Community Parking Place for all classes of Permit Holder within existing qualifying Parking Zones R8, R24, R26 and R52SC there being no change to the 8am -8pm 60 minute ‘Pay and Display’ Parking with its 60 minute ‘No Return Period’.

The Order comes into effect on 23rd day of February 2015.
A copy of the Order incorporating relevant maps can be inspected at the Reception, West Offices, Station Rise, York, during normal business hours. Any person who wishes to question the validity of the Order or any of its provisions on the grounds that it is not within the powers of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 as amended or that a requirement of any regulation thereunder has not been complied with may, within 6 weeks from the date of making of the Order, make application for that purpose to the High Court.

Neil Ferris, Assistant Director (Highways, Transport and Waste) Station Rise, West Offices, YORK YO1 6GA Email: highway.regulation@york.gov.uk

Published on 20/02/2015