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The following applications have been received by the City of York Council

15/00126/LBC for part demolition of existing school building at Lord Deramores Primary School, School Lane, Heslington, York
15/00205/LBC for removal of timber framed polycarbonate screen and metal balustrading. Installation of painted timber framed, fire glazed screen at Bootham School, 51 Bootham 15/00265/LBC for alterations and refurbishment, demolitions and extension to the main school building. demolition of separating wall between 59 and 61 Bootham. Widening of existing opening in garden wall between 57 and 59 Bootham. Refurbishment of Sports Hall to the rear of 61 Bootham at Bootham School, 51 Bootham, York 15/00264/FUL for Alterations and refurbishment, demolitions and extension to the main school building. demolition of separating wall between 59 and 61 Bootham. Widening of existing opening in garden wall between 57 and 59 Bootham. Refurbishment of Sports Hall to the rear of 61 Bootham at Bootham School, 51 Bootham, York 15/00274/LBC for single storey rear extension, alterations to ground floor window and door openings on rear elevation including relocation of existing stairs and internal alterations including removal of basement wall at 64 Bootham, York
15/00273/FUL for single storey rear extension and alterations to rear openings including relocation of external steps at 64 Bootham, York
14/02897/FUL for erection of detached building to form 4no. residential units to rear of 36 Clarence Street at 36 Clarence Street, York

TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (Development Management Procedure) ORDER 2010. Notice under Article 13 (4) or (5) of application for planning permission.

15/00155/FULM for Variation of condition 2 of permitted application 14/01180/FULM to alter design and external appearance of unit at Monks Cross Shopping Park Trust, Monks Cross Drive, Huntington

TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (Environmental Impact Assessment) REGULATIONS 2011.
Notice under Regulation 22.

AOD/14/00357 - Details required by Conditions 10, 11, 15, 16, 20 and 35 of outline planning approval ref: 01/01315/OUT pursuant to residential development of land adjacent to Germany Beck, Fulford, York. Persimmon Homes submitted other information in relation to the environmental statement that was previously provided with outline planning application (ref. 01/01315/OUT), on 19 February 2015 as part of the above subsequent application. Copies of the submission may be obtained at the address below at a charge of £10 so long as stocks last.
AOD/14/00417 - Details required by Condition 9 reserved matters approval ref: 12/00384/REMM pursuant to residential development of land adjacent to Germany Beck, Fulford, York. Persimmon Homes submitted other information in relation to the environmental statement that was previously provided with outline planning application (ref. 12/00384/REMM), on 19 February 2015 as part of the above subsequent application. Copies of the submission may be obtained at the address below at a charge of £10 so long as stocks last. AOD/14/00419 - Details required by Conditions "23 and 25 of outline planning approval ref: 01/01315/OUT pursuant to residential development of land adjacent to Germany Beck, Fulford, York. Persimmon Homes submitted other information in relation to the environmental statement that was previously provided with outline planning application (ref. 01/01315/OUT), on 20 February 2015 as part of the above subsequent application. Copies of the submission may be obtained at the address below at a charge of £10 so long as stocks last. Applications and plans can be inspected at www.york.gov.uk. Anyone wishing to make representations should do so in writing within 21 days to:-
Development Management, City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA Dated: 25 February 2015

Published on 25/02/2015