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Public Notice

The Council of the City of York

NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION DEFINITIVE MAP MODIFICATION ORDER WILDLIFE AND COUNTRYSIDE ACT 1981 The Council of the City of York: Definitive Map for the Former County Borough of York
The Council of the City of York:
Public Footpaths in York (Clifton) Definitive Map Modification Order 2012
The Council of the City of York:
Public Footpaths in York (Hull Road) Definitive Map Modification Order 2012
The above Orders, made on 23rd day of March 2012, were confirmed, without modification, by the City of York Council on 23rd March 2015. The effect of the Orders is to modify the Definitive Map and Statement for the area by adding to them the public footpaths described in Schedule 1 below.
A copy of the Orders and the Order maps have been placed and may be seen free of charge at the office of City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GAfrom 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Mondays to Fridays. Copies of the Orders and Order maps may be bought there at a price of £10.
Any person aggrieved by the Orders, and who wishes to question its validity on the grounds that it is not within the powers of Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, or that any requirements of Schedule 15 to the said Act have not been complied with in relation to it, may within 42 days from the date of this Notice, make application to the High Court.
SCHEDULE 1 The Council of the City of York:
Public Footpaths in York (Clifton) Definitive Map Modification Order 2012
Public Footpath, York No 136 (Clifton) Footpath commencing on northern side of River Ouse, approximately 200m west of Clifton Bridge, at a location known as Clifton Scalp on Clifton Ings at Grid Reference SE 5878 5291 (Point A) and running in a generally north westerly direction around the Clifton Ings sluice gates to the Clifton (Without) parish boundary at Grid Reference SE 5869 5298 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No137 (Clifton) Footpath commencing on northern side of River Ouse, approximately 220m west of Clifton Bridge, at a location known as Clifton Scalp on Clifton Ings at Grid Reference SE 5875 5291 (Point A) and running alongside the River Ouse to the Clifton (Without) parish boundary at Grid Reference SE 5836 5263 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 139 (Clifton) Footpath commencing at the end of Westminster Road at Grid Reference SE 5934 5260 (Point A) and running in a generally south easterly direction between St Peter's School and St Olaves School terminating on North Parade at Grid
Reference SE 5958 5244 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 140 (Clifton) Footpath commencing at the junction with Public Footpath, York No 139 (Clifton) at Grid Reference SE 5934 5260 (Point A) and running north easterly along the side of No.55 Westminster Road to its junction with the footpath running along the rear of Nos.49 - 55 Westminster Road at Grid Reference SE 5936 5262 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 141 (Clifton) Footpath commencing between Nos.86 and 88 Clifton at Grid Reference SE 5945 5290 (Point A) and running in a north easterly direction towards Clifton Green Primary School, then continuing in the same direction across playing fields to terminate on Lady Road at Grid Reference SE 5975 5324 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 142 (Clifton) Footpath commencing at Clifton Health Centre at Grid Reference SE 5951 5317 (Point A) and running in a south easterly direction along the south-western boundary of Clifton Green Primary School to its junction with Public Footpath, York No 141 (Clifton) at Grid Reference SE 5960 5310 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 143 (Clifton) Footpath commencing at the front of No.13 Crombie Avenue at Grid Reference SE 5957 5323 (Point A) and running in a
south westerly direction towards the Clifton Health Centre, then turns and proceeds north north westerly to its junction
with Kingsway North at Grid Reference SE 5950 5320 (Point C)
Public Footpath, York No 144 (Clifton) Footpath commencing between Nos.64 & 66 Kingsway North at Grid Reference SE 5960 5344 (Point A) and running between the said properties to Crombie Avenue and terminating between Nos.63 & 65 Crombie Avenue at Grid Reference
SE 5965 5341 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 145 (Clifton) Footpath commencing between Nos.110 & 112 Kingsway North at Grid Reference SE 5968 5359 (Point A) and running between the said properties to Crombie Avenue terminating between Nos.107 & 109 Crombie Avenue at Grid Reference
SE 5973 5356 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 146 (Clifton) Footpath commencing between Nos.111 & 113 Kingsway North at Grid Reference SE 5967 5364 (Point A) and running between the said properties to Spalding Avenue terminating between Nos.128 & 130 Spalding Avenue at Grid Reference
SE 5963 5367 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 147 (Clifton) Footpath commencing on Burton Stone Lane at Grid Reference SE 6006 5374 (Point A) and running between Nos.289 and 291 Burton Stone Lane, then through the park in a south westerly direction and passing between Nos.15and 17 Burrill
Avenue to terminate on Burrill Avenue at Grid Reference SE 5994 5369 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 148 (Clifton) Footpath commencing at the rear of Nos.289 and 291 Burton Stone Lane at Grid Reference SE 6003 5375 (Point A) and running through the park in a north westerly direction, then turning north east to run between Nos.11 & 13 Ingram Avenue to terminate on Ingram Avenue at Grid Reference SE 6000 5379 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 150 (Clifton) Footpath commences on Huntington Road near to its junction with Haley's Terrace at Grid Reference SE 6086 5354 (Point A) and running in a northerly direction following the western bank of the River Foss to the Clifton (Without) parish boundary at Grid Reference SE 6098 5394 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 152 (Clifton) Footpath commencing at Newby Terrace, opposite 4 Newby Terrace, at Grid Reference SE 6034 5331 (Point A) and
running in a south westerly direction to Wigginton Road at Grid Reference SE 6031 5329 (Point B)
The Council of the City of York:
Public Footpaths in York (Hull Road) Definitive Map Modification Order 2012
Public Footpath, York No 183 (Guildhall/Hull Road) Footpath commencing at the end of Bull Lane at Grid Reference SE 6158 5155 (Point A) and running in a north easterly direction past York Environmental Community Centre nature reserve to Rawdon Avenue at Grid Reference SE 6169 5163
(Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 185 (Hull Road) Footpath commencing on Melrosegate at Grid Reference SE 6184 5155 (Point A) and proceeding west north west along
the north side of Osbaldwick Beck to St. Nicholas Fields car park at the end of Rawdon Avenue at Grid Reference SE
6168 5163 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 187 (Hull Road) Footpath commencing between No.187 Melrosegate and No.2 Constantine Avenue at Grid Reference SE 6193 5177 (Point A) and running south east between houses to Hewley Avenue at Grid Reference SE 6197 5174 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 188 (Hull Road) Footpath commencing between Nos.66 & 64 Burlington Avenue at Grid Reference SE 6204 5167 (Point A) and proceeds easterly emerging between Nos.7 & 9 Etty Avenue at Grid Reference SE 6211 5166 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 189 (Hull Road) Footpath commencing near No.21 Allen Close at Grid Reference SE 6230 5161 (Point A) and proceeding in a generally
southerly direction passing between Nos.31 & 33 Flaxman Avenue to terminate on Flaxman Avenue at Grid Reference
SE 6230 5158 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 191 (Hull Road) Footpath commencing on Tang Hall Lane opposite the entrance to Hull Road Park at Grid Reference SE 6253 5169
(Point A) and running in a generally east north east direction over a bridge and then running to the south of Osbaldwick
Beck to emerge on Moore Avenue at Grid Reference SE 6270 5176 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 192 (Hull Road) Footpath commencing outside No.34 Broughton Way at Grid Reference SE 6306 5147 (Point A) and proceeding west terminating outside No.40 Wolviston Avenue at Grid Reference SE 6302 5145 (Point B)
Public Footpath, York No 193 (Hull Road) Footpath commencing next to No.8 Badger Wood Walk at Grid Reference SE 6350 5097 (Point A) and proceeding south south west to the turning area at the front of No.35 Badger Wood Walk at Grid Reference SE 6345 5089 (Point B) Date: 28 March 2015
Andrew Docherty
Assistant Director Governance & ICT

Published on 28/03/2015