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Public Notice

The Council of the City of York

NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF DEFINITIVE MAP MODIFICATION ORDER WILDLIFE AND COUNTRYSIDE ACT 1981 The Council of the City of York: Definitive Map for the former County Borough of York The Council of the City of York: Public Footpaths in York (Heworth) Definitive Map Modification Order 2012
The Council of the City of York: Public Footpaths in York (Holgate) Definitive Map Modification Order 2012 Having given notice to the Secretary of State, under the provisions of Paragraph 5 (1) of Schedule 15 to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, the City of York Council has elected to sever the above Orders, so that it shall have effect as four separate Orders: namely two comprising the modifications to which objections and representations have been duly made, and the other two comprising the modifications to which objections and representations have not been duly made. The above two Orders, made on 23rd day of March 2012, were confirmed, in respect of those modifications to which objections and representations have not been duly made, by the City of York Council on 23rd March 2015. The effect of these Orders is to modify the Definitive Map and Statement for the area by adding to them the public footpaths described in Schedule 1 below. Those parts of the Orders to which objections and representations have been duly made shall be referred to the Secretary of State for determination.
Acopyof the Orders and the Order maps have been placed and maybe seen free of charge at the office of City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA from 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Mondays to Fridays. Copies of the Orders and Order maps may be bought there at a price of £10. Any person aggrieved by the Orders, and who wishes to question its validity on the grounds that it is not within the powers of Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, or that any requirements of Schedule 15 to the said Act have not been complied with in relation to it, maywithin 42 days from the date of this Notice, make application to the High Court.
The Council of the City of York: Public Footpaths in York (Heworth) Definitive Map Modification Order 2012 Public Footpath. York No 158 (Heworth)
Footpath starting next to No.16 Thornfield Avenue at Grid Reference SE 6176 5387 (Point A) and running north-west to Healey Grove terminating between Nos.11 & 12 at Grid Reference SE 6171 5390 (Point B)
Public Footpath. York No 159 (Heworth)
Footpath starting next to Linwood Croft, Malton Road at Grid Reference SE 6194 5372 (Point A) and running north-west to Sefton Avenue between Nos.30 & 32 at Grid Reference SE 6186 5385
Public Footpath. York No 164 (Heworth)
Footpath commencing atHeworth Green opposite Dalguise Grove at Grid Reference SE 6099 5254 (Point A) proceeding in a southerly direction before emerging onto Layerthorpe at Grid Reference
SE 6109 5232 (Point B)
Public Footpath. York No 170 (Heworth)
Footpath commencing between Nos.253 & 255 Fifth Avenue at Grid Reference SE 6224 5199 (Point A) and running north to emerge between Nos.14 & 15 Sterne Avenue at Grid Reference SE 6223
5204 (Point B)
Public Footpath. York No 171 (Heworth)
Footpath starting between Nos.10 & 11 Sterne Avenue at Grid Reference SE 6224 5205 (Point A) and running north-east to Tang Hall Lane between Nos.112 & 114 at Grid Reference SE 6228 5208 (PointB)
Public Footpath. York No 172 (Heworth)
Footpath commencing between Nos.106 & 108 Fourth Avenue at Grid Reference SE 6199 5221 (Point A) and running south passing between Nos.20 & 23 Cosmo Avenue at Grid Reference SE
6198 5216 (Point B)
Public Footpath. York No 173 (Heworth)
Footpath starting from the junction of Melrose Gate and Fourth Avenue at Grid Reference SE 6190 5223 (Point A) and running north-east alongside Tang Hall Beck through woodland to emerge on Tang Hall Lane near its junction with Bad Bargain Lane at Grid Reference SE 6203 5237 (Point B)
Public Footpath. York No 174 (Heworth) Footpath starts at Bad Bargain Lane at Grid Reference SE 6207 5237 (Point A) near its junction with Tang Hall Lane and runs north north westerlythrough Heworth Holme toone exit on Burnholme Drive at Grid Reference SE 6229 5271 (Point B)
Public Footpath. York No 181 (Heworth)
Footpath commencing on Bull Lane at Grid Reference SE 6153 5248 (Point A) and running west round the back of Glen Gardens to Glen Road at Grid Reference SE 6139 5244 (Point E)
Public Footpath. York No 182 (Heworth)
Footpath commencing at the western end of Ninth Avenue between Nos.15 & 16 at Grid Reference SE 6177 5230 (Point A) running westpassing between Nos.27 & 29 Seventh Avenue and terminates on Seventh Avenue at Grid Reference SE 61745230 (Point B)
The Council of the City of York: Public Footpaths in York (Holgate) Definitive Map Modification Order 2012 Public Footpath. York No 126 (Holgate) Footpath commencing on Sowerby Road to the rear of No.2 Burnsall Drive at Grid Reference SE 5800 5166 (PointA) and running south-westtothe junction ofPatelyPlace and Baildon Close atGrid Reference SE 5791 5160 (Point B)
Public Footpath. York No 127 (Holgate)
Footpath running from Windmill Roundabout, Windmill Rise between No.41 Windmill Rise and No.68 Acomb Road atGrid Reference SE 5842 5140 (Point A) proceeding in a southerlydirection between the two properties, then in an easterly direction terminating at Acomb Road at Grid Reference SE
5847 5142 (Point B)
Public Footpath. York No 128 (Holgate)
Footpath running from Collingwood Avenue at Grid Reference SE 5855 5094 (Point A) between Nos.2 & 4 Collingwood Avenue and Nos.1 & 3 Campbell Avenue to Campbell Avenue at Grid Reference SE 5850 5095 (Point B)
Public Footpath. York No 129 (Holgate)
Footpath commencing on Hob Moor DriveatGrid Reference SE 5864 5077 (PointA) and proceeding south westerly passing between No.2 HollyBank Grove and No.39 Hob Moor Drive onto Hob Moor at Grid Reference SE 5861 5075 (Point B)
Public Footpath. York No 131 (Holgate)
Footpath running from the entrance to Leeman Road car park: located to the east and south of the National Railway Museum at Grid Reference SE 5947 5186 (Point A) and proceeding south west following the boundarywall ofthe car park, then over the footbridge to the corner of RailwayTerrace and Wilton Rise at Grid Reference SE 5913 5155 (Point B)
Public Footpath. York No 132 (Holgate & Micklegate)
Footpath commencing from the Ward boundary at Grid Reference SE 5962 5206 (Point A) and proceeding south by Scarborough Bridge to Grid Reference SE 5961 5203 (Point B). Then recommences at Grid Reference SE 5962 5202 (Point C) proceeding south passing the side of the Royal Mail sorting office to Leeman Road at Grid Reference SE 5963 5192 (Point D)
Public Footpath. York No 134 (Holgate) Footpath running from the western end ofForth StreetatGrid Reference SE 5872 5261 (PointA) and running west to Water End at Grid Reference SE 5869 5262 (Point B)
Public Footpath. York No 135 (Holgate)
Footpath commencing from the northern end of Lincoln Street at Grid Reference SE 5878 5262 (Point A) across to Clifton Bridge at Grid Reference SE 5884 5274 (Point B). A spur commences at Grid Reference SE 5885 5273 (PointC) and continues north easterlyto a point belowClifton Bridge at Grid Reference SE 5887 5275 (Point D) Date: 28 March 2015
Andrew Docherty
Assistant Director Governance & ICT

Published on 28/03/2015