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Public Notice




Notice is hereby given that on the 9th day of April 2015 City of YorkCouncil, in exercise of powers under Sections 1, 2, 4 ,32, 35, 45, 46, 53 and Schedule 9 of theRoad Traffic Regulation Act, 1984 ("theAct") and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Schedule 9 of the Act, madeanOrder whichhas theeffect of:

1. Introducing 'NoWaiting at anytime'restrictionsinYorkasfollows: (a)CinderLane, on its:

(i) northeastside, from theprojected centrelineofWood Street southeastfor the remainderofits length,

(ii) southwestside, from apoint 117 metres southeastfromthe projected south eastern kerblineofHeworth Green (terminal pointofexisting'No Waitingat anytime'restrictions) southeastfor theremainder of itslength,

(b)Dodsworth Avenue, on itssouth west side,between apoint 19 metres northwest from theprojected centrelineofPottery Lane (terminalpoint of existing 'NoWaiting at anytime'restrictions) anda point5 metres northwestfromthe said line,
(c)Eastern Terrace, on itssouth west side,fromthe projected centrelineofWood Street northwestfor 8metresand southeastfor 8metres,
(d)Green Lane,onits east side,Somthe projectednorth westernkerbline of Green Lane/Hamilton DriveWestroundaboutnorth west forlOmetres,
(e)Green Lane/Hamilton DriveWestRoundabout, on itsnorth side,between the projected eastern highwayboundarylineofGreen Lane andthe projected western highwayboundarylineofKingsthorpe,
(f)HartoftStreet, on both sides, from theprojected westernkerblineofRosedaleStreet
west for5 metres,
(g)HillStreet,onits southside, from theprojected centrelineofNorthcote Avenueeast for9 metres andwestfor 9metres,
(h)Kingsthorpe,onits west side of thewestern carriageway,fromthe projected north
westernkerbline of GreenLane/Hamilton DriveWestroundaboutnorth for1O metres,
(i)Levisham Street,onbothsides,fromthe projectedeastern kerblineofRosedale
Street for5 metres,
(j) Main Avenue,onits southeastside, fromtheprojected centrelineofSecond Avenue
northeastfor 9metresand southwestfor 9metres, (k)Northcote Avenue, on both sides, from theprojected southern kerbline of Hill Street
southfor 1O metres,
(l) Rosedale Street,onbothsides,fromthe projected centrelineofHartoft Street north
for8 metres andsouth for8 metres, (m) St John'sWalk, on its:
(i) southeastside, from apoint 35 metres southwestfromthe projected south westernwallofthe electricity sub-stationsouth west for40metres,

(ii) northwestside, from theprojected southwestern wall of theelectricity sub-stationnorth eastfor 33 meters andsouth west for30metres,

(n)Second Avenue, on both sides, from theprojected southeastern kerbline of Main
Avenue southeastfor 5metres, (o)Wood Street,onits:
(i) southeastside, from theprojected northeastern kerbline of CinderLanenorth eastfor 6metres,

(ii) both sides, from theprojected southwestern kerbline of EasternTerrace south

west for6metres,
(p)YarburghGrove,onits southeastside, betweenpoints16metressouth west and17 metres northeastfromthe projectednorth eastern property boundary line of No.108 Poppleton Road (respectiveterminal points of existing 'NoWaiting at anytime'
2. Introducing'No Waitingatany time'restrictionsinHuntingtonasfollows: (a)BirchPark,onits:

(i)southside, from apoint 11 metres west from theprojected centrelineofDarwin
Close (terminal pointofexisting'No Waitingatany time'restrictions) west for 9metres,
(ii) southside, from apoint 15 metres eastSomthe projected centrelineofDarwin Close(terminal pointofexisting'No Waitingatany time'restrictions) eastfor 13 metres,
(b)BrandsbyGrove,onbothsides,fromthe projectedwestern kerbline of Huntington
Road west for12metres, (c)HuntingtonRoad, on its:
(i)eastside, from apoint 8metresnorth from theprojected centrelineofBrandsby Grovenorth for10metres,
(ii) west side,Somthe projectedcentrelineofBrandsbyGrove northfor 15 metres
andsouth for15metres,
(d)New Lane,onits west side,Somthe projected centrelineofWillowGlade northfor
15 metres andsouth for15metres, (e)WillowGlade,onboth sides, from theprojected westernkerbline of NewLanewest
3. Introducing'No Waitingatany time'restrictionsinSouth Lane,Haxby,onits northside, from theprojected centrelineofOrchard Paddock west for13metres.

4. Introducing'No Waitingatany time'restrictionsin, TheVillage,Strensall, on its,

(i) northside, from apoint 3metreseastofthe projectedcentrelineofSouthfieldRoad

eastfor 72 metres,
(ii) southside, from apoint 47 metres eastfromthe projected centrelineofSouthfield

Road (terminal pointof existing 'NoWaiting at anytime'restrictions) east for28 metres.
5. Introducing'No Waitingatany time'restrictionsinRawcliffe as follows: (a)Armstrong Way, on both sides, from theprojected southeastern kerbline of Manor

Lane southeastfor 10 metres, (b)Manor Lane,onboth sides, from theprojected centrelineofArmstrong Waynorth eastfor 13 metres andsouth west for13metres.
6. Amending 'Operative Hours' of waitingrestrictionsinYork, as folllows:

(a)GeorgeStreet,onits northwestside, from thehighwayboundarylineonthe south
west side of Walmgate for18.5metres, so that theprohibition applies'at anytime', therebyrevoking theexistingNoWaiting Monday to Saturday 8.00amto6.00pm
(b)GeorgeStreet, on itssouth eastside, betweenthe highwayboundarylineonthe south
west side of Walmgate andthe projected centrelineofChapelRow,sothatthe
prohibitionapplies 'atany time', therebyrevoking theexistingNoWaiting Monday to Saturday 8.00amto6.00pm restriction, (c)GeorgeStreet, on itseastside, between theprojected centrelines of Chapel Rowand Margaret Street,sothatthe prohibitionapplies'at anytime', therebyrevoking the existing No WaitingMondaytoSaturday8.00amto6.00pm restriction,
(d)GeorgeStreet, on itswestside, from theprojected northern kerbline of Lead Mill
Lane northfor 9metres, so that theprohibition applies'at anytime', thereby revoking theexistingNoWaiting Monday to Saturday 8.00amto6.00pm restriction,
(e)Lead Mill Lane,onits northside, from theprojected westernkerbline of George Street west of 12 metres,sothatthe prohibitionapplies'at anytime', thereby
revoking theexistingNoWaiting Monday to Saturday 8.00amto6.00pm restriction,
(f)Margaret Street,onits northwestside, from theprojected southwestern kerbline of Walmgate to theprojected northeastern kerbline of George Street,sothatthe
prohibitionapplies 'atany time', therebyrevoking theexistingNoWaiting Monday to Saturday 8amto6pm restrictions, (g)Swinegate,onits southwestside, between points 15 metreand 38 metres northwest
from theprojected northwestern kerblineofChurch Street,sothatthe prohibition applies8am to 6pm everyday,thereby revoking theexisting1200(noon)to4pm
7. Introducing'No Waitingfrom8am 4pm,MondaytoFriday' restrictions in York as

(a)FarndaleStreet, on itssouth side,Somthe projectedeastern kerblineofRosedale
Street west for7 metres, (b)RosedaleStreet,onits eastside, from theprojected southern kerbline of Farndale
Street northfor 13 metres.
8. Introducinga prohibitiononstopping on 'School-Keep Clear'roadmarkingsinthatlength

of Park Grove, York,onthe southeastside, betweenpoints127 metres and153 metres
from theprojected northwestern kerbline of Huntington Road thesaidprohibition to apply
between8.30amand 9.30amand between 3pmand 4pmMondaytoFridaythereby
revoking existing shared 'Residents Priority'and 'Pay andDisplay'parking provisionand waitingrestrictionsinsofar as they existwithinthe said length subject of proposal.
9. Amending theshared'Residents' Priority'and 'Pay andDisplay'parking provisioninthat length of Park Grove, on itssouth eastside, betweenpoints22and 35 metres southeast from theprojected northwestern property boundary lineofParkGrove Primary School so

that the'ResidentsPriority' parkingisextendedfrom8am to 8pmtoapply at alltimes
therebyrevoking 'Pay andDisplay'parking andproviding unrestricted parkingfor Zone R25PermitHolders with a10minutes maximum period of stay forNon Permit Holders.
10. Introducing'No Waitingatany time'restrictionsinYorkasfollows: (a)YarburghWay,onits:

(i)eastand northside, from apoint 16 metres southofthe projected southern
kerbline of A1079 Hull Road for48metres; (ii) southside, from theprojected eastern kerblineofCrosswayseastfor 11 metres;
(b)Crossways, on both sides, from theprojected southern kerbline of Yarburgh Way southfor 10 metres.
11. Introducinga prohibitiononstopping on 'School-Keep Clear'roadmarking in that length

of Yarburgh Way, York on itswestand southsides between points 16 metres southfrom
theprojected southern kerblineofA1079 Hull Road and5.5 metres west from the projected westernkerbline of Crossways(terminalpoint of proposed 'NoWaiting at any time'restrictionsonCrosswaysatparagraph 1(b)), thesaidprohibition to applybetween 8.15amand 9.15amand between 3pmand 4pmMondaytoFriday.
12. Formalisingexisting(advisory)"School-Keep-Clear" markings extendingonthe eastside

of Ovington Terrace, York,between itsjunctionwithCogganClose andapoint23.5 metres southfromthe projected northern kerblineofPhiladelphia Terrace andonthe east side of CogganClose from thesaidlinenorth for7metres therebyproviding an
enforceableprohibition on stopping from 8.15amto9.15amand from 2.45pmto3.45pm
Monday to Friday.
TheOrder comesintoeffect on 11th dayofApril 2015.
Acopy of theOrder incorporatingrelevantmapscan be inspectedatthe Reception,West
Offices, StationRise, York,duringnormalbusinesshours.Any person whowishestoquestion thevalidityofthe Orderorany of itsprovisionsonthe groundsthatitisnot within thepowersof
theRoadTraffic RegulationsAct 1984 as amendedorthatarequirement of anyregulation thereunder hasnot been compliedwithmay,within6weeksfromthe date of making of the
Order, make applicationfor that purpose to theHighCourt.
Noticeisherebygiven that City of York Council(theCouncil), in exercise of powers under Section14(1) of theRoadTrafficRegulationAct 1984 (the Act),madeanOrder on the9th day of April2015 in respectofeachofthe locations numbered (1), (2), (3)and (4). Additionally,
theCouncil,not less than 7daysfromthe publication of this Notice, intendstomakeanOrder
underSection14(1) of theAct in respect of thelocationnumbered(5).
This Orderprohibits vehicles from proceedingthrough thePoppleton StationLevel Crossing on StationRoad, UpperPoppleton (closedroad) during theperiodwhentrack maintenanceworks
arebeing undertaken that period commencingat2235hrsonthe 11th dayofApril 2015 and ending at 1000hrsonthe 12th dayofApril 2015 or at atimewhenthe workshavebeen completedwhichever is theearlier.Thisistoensurethatthe said workscan be carried out safely.Analternative routefor diverted trafficwillbeavailable viaStation Road,LongRidge
Lane,Millfield Lane,A1237,Boroughbridge Road (A59),Station Road andviceversa.
(2) SCARBOROUGH BRIDGE,YORK This Orderprohibits pedestriansand vehicles from proceedinginthe footbridge (known as Scarborough Bridge)overthe RiverOuse, York (closedfootpath) during theperiodwhenworks
in connectionwiththe installation of lighting to thefootbridgebeing undertaken thereonthat
period commencingat 0800hrsonthe 14th dayofApril 2015 andendingat 1800hrs on the16th
dayofApril 2015 (works period)oratatime anddatewhenthe workshavebeencompleted whichever is theearlier.Thisistoensurethatthe said workscan be carried outsafely. It is
envisagedthatthe workswillbeundertakenbetween 0800hrsand 1800hrs, duringthe firsttwo
days of theworks period.Analternative routefor diverted pedestriansand vehicles will be
availablevia RiversideWalk, Museum Street,Esplanade andviceversa.
This Orderprohibits pedestriansand vehicles from proceedinginthatlengthofclosedfootpath, knownasStrensall Footpath No 3/4/10 between itsjunctionwithSheriff HuttonRoad, Strensall anda point 250 metres northwestofthe said junction (closedfootpath),duringthe period when
riverbankimprovement worksare beingundertakenthereon.The prohibitioncommences at
0001hrsonthe 13th dayofApril 2015 andendsat 2400hrs on the29th dayofMay 2015 or on a
date when thesaidworks beingundertakenthereon have been completedwhichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that thesaidworks canbecarried outsafely. An alternativeroute for
diverted pedestriansand vehicles will be available viasheriff HuttonRoad, NewLaneand vice versa.
This Orderprohibits vehicles from proceedingand waitinginHoltbyLane, Holtby between the northwestern property boundary lineofCamborough Lodge andpoint 280m west of thesaid line (closedroad) during aperiodcommencingat 0001hrson13th dayofApril 2015 andending
at 2400hrson25th dayofApril 2015 or on adatewhencarriageway resurfacing worksbeing
undertaken thereonhavebeen completedwhichever is theearlier.Thisistoensurethatthe said workscan be carried outsafely. An alternativeroute fordivertedtraffic will be signed.
(5) QUEEN STREET SLIP ROAD, YORK This Orderwillprohibitpedestrians andvehiclesfromproceeding in that length of Queen Street Slip Road,Yorkbetween itsjunctionwithQueen Street andthe northwestern property boundary
of RailwayInstitute (closedroad) during theperiodcommencingat0930hrsand ending at
1600hrsonthe 22nd dayofApril 2015 or at time when bridge maintenanceworks have been
completedthereon whicheveristhe earlier.Thisistoensurethatthe said workscan be carried
outsafely. No requirement will be made foranalternative routefor prohibited traffic Theabove temporaryOrderswillnot prohibit worksoremergency accessnor will they prohibit
access to premises provided that access is notprevented by on-going worksorsafetyconcerns. Trafficsigns/barrierswillindicatethe extent oftheprohibitions/restrictions.
Forfurther informationinrespect of each locationpleasecontact:
Locations (1), (3)and (5)DarrenHobsonTelephone 01904 551367, Email: darren.hobson@york.gov.uk
Location(2) DerekGrant Telephone 01904 553090, Email: derek.grant@york.gov.uk Location(4) Scott BellerbyTelephone 01904 553088, Email: scott.bellerby@york.gov.uk
Neil Ferris,Assistant Director (Highways, Transportand Waste)
StationRise, West Offices,YORK YO16GA
Email: highway.regulation@york.gov.uk

Published on 10/04/2015