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Public Notice



The following applications have been received by the City of York Council
15/00050/LBC for internal and external alterations including removal of internal partition walls, loft conversion including new internal access arrangements, repairs and re-instatement of internal chimney workings with new fireplace and stove, re-instatement work to cornicing and other internal decoration details and external repairs to windows and brickwork including insertion of 3 velux rooflights. at 7 St Martins Lane, York
15/00475/LBC and 15/00736/FUL for internal and external alterations to accommodate conversion from flats to single dwelling including erection of single storey rear extension.
at 30 Clifton, York
15/00664/fUl for variation of condition 2 of permitted application 14/02531/FUL to alter zinc monopitch kitchen roof to dual pitch pantile roof at The Coachouse, 38 Church Lane, Nether Poppleton, York
for variation of condition 2 of permitted application 14/02531/FUL to alter zinc monopitch kitchen roof to dual pitch pantile roof at The Coachouse, 38 Church Lane, Nether Poppleton, York
15/00679/LBC for installation of conservation rooflight to rear of property, removal of modern internal partition to upper staircase, blocking up of two fire exits into neighbouring property and alterations to doors to provide fire protection at Doctors Surgery, 32 Clifton, York
15/00723/LBC for internal alterations and new window opening to no.5 Monkgate and 1 Lord Mayors Walk. Internal alterations and first floor rear extension to no's 3-7 Lord Mayors Walk (resubmission) at Bulmers Selling Services, 1 - 7 Lord Mayors Walk, York
15/00590/LBC for alterations to the shop front including repainting and replacement of signage. Internal alterations including removal of existing dispensing bar, replacement of floor coverings and other works to include new fixed seating and divider screens at Bella Pasta, 89 Low Petergate, York 15/00609/LBC for external alterations to shop front to include new fascia and hanging signs at WHiTe STuFF, 34 Stonegate York
15/00582/LBC for Internal alterations and extension to rear provide a dining pavilion at Cedar Court Grand Hotel, Station Rise, York
15/00639/LBC for alterations to railings to relocate gate to
front boundary at 1 St Pauls Square, York
15/00508/FUL for subdivision of single retail unit into
3 separate units with change of use of ground and first floors of 2 - 4 Stonegate from retail (Class A1) to restaurant/bar (Class A3/A4) with ancillary uses on second and third floors and 15/00509/LBC for internal and external alterations associated with subdivision of property into 3no. commercial units at Mulberry Hall, 17 - 19 Stonegate, York 15/00626/FUL for single storey rear extension to basement level at 50 Bootham, York

15/00685/FUL for single storey extension to front at Tower House, Moor Lane, Murton, York
15/00686/FUL for two storey rear extension, first floor side extension and porch to front at 13 St Georges Place, York TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (Development Management Procedure) ORDER 2010. Notice under Article 13 (4) or (5) of application for planning permission. 15/00473/FULM for Residential development of 87 dwellings with associated access and public open space (application to revise layout and vary house types previously approved by planning permission 12/02979/FULM dated 27.02.2013) at Land Adjacent To And To The Rear Of Windy Ridge And Brecks Lane, Huntington, York
15/00425/FULM for extensions to dairy unit and heifer shed to create a calf and sheep shed and general purpose farm building at Askham Bryan College Dairy Unit, Westfields Cottages Access, Askham Bryan, York 15/00581/FULM for six storey and five storey extensions, demolition of public toilets, external alterations, new roof storey and change of use of offices to hotel (use Class C1) with re-sited public toilets. Extension to rear of Cedar Court Grand Hotel to form dining pavilion at Roman House,
4 - 8 Rougier Street, York

Applications and plans can be inspected at www.york.gov.uk. Anyone wishing to make representations should do so in writing within 21 days to:-

Development Management,
City of York Council, West Offices,
Station Rise, York YO1 6GA
Dated: 15 April 2015

Published on 15/04/2015