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Public Notice

Nanometrics UK Pension Plan in Wind up formerly Accent UK Pension Plan.

Nanometrics UK Pension Plan in Wind up formerly Accent UK Pension Plan.

Participating Employer Nanometrics UK Limited formerly Accent Optical Technologies (U.K.) Ltd. A Notice to Creditors and Beneficiaries under Section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925 Notice is hereby given under section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925 that the Nanometrics UK Pension Plan (‘the Plan’) is being wound up in accordance with its governing provisions. A Notice will be sent by the Trustees to all Scheme members in accordance with the requirements of the Occupational Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) Regulations 1996. Members who do not receive any such notice along with any Creditors and others having any claim against or claim to be beneficially interested in the assets of the Plan are required to send particulars in writing to the Trustees at the address below by 21 October 2015. After this date, the Trustees will proceed to distribute the remaining assets of the Plan among the persons entitled to them, and will have regard only to claims of which they have notice. The Trustees shall not be liable to any person of whose claims or demands they then have not had notice. Members of the Plan and other beneficiaries with whom the Trustees or the Plan’s administrators are already in contact need not respond to this notice since their interests have already been noted. The Trustees of the Nanometrics UK Pension Plan,C/O Paul Murphy, Mercer Limited, 5 George Square, Glasgow G2 1AR. E-mail: Paul.Murphy@mercer.com. Please include your National Insurance Number and details of your membership, interest, claim or entitlement. You must contact us within 2 months of the date of publication of this notice i.e. no later than 21 October 2015.

Published on 21/08/2015