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Public Notice



Notice is hereby given that City of York Council (the Council), in exercise of powers under Section 14(1) and 15(8) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (the Act), made an Order on the 22nd day of September 2015 continuing in force the restrictions in respect of the location numbered (1) and on the said date in exercise of powers under Section 14(1) of the Act made an Order in respect of the location numbered (2).
This Order continues in force The York (Straker's Passageway) (Temporary Traffic Restriction) Order 2015 (original Order) that Order having an expiry date on 25th September 2015. This is necessary to ensure that nearby building maintenance works being undertaken adjacent to the closed footpath can be carried out safely. The effect of the Order is to continue in force the prohibition on pedestrians and vehicles from proceeding and waiting in Straker's Passageway, York between its junctions with Fossgate and Black Horse Passage (closed Footpath) during the period commencing at 0001 hours on the 26th day of September 2015 and ending at 2400hrs on the 23rd day of October 2015 (works period) or at the end of the works period whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. An alternative route for diverted pedestrians and vehicles will be signed during the works period.
This Order prohibits vehicles from proceeding and waiting in Walmgate, York between its junctions with Lawrence Street and Navigation Road (closed road) during a period commencing at 0800hrs and ending at 2400hrs on 24th day of September 2015 (works period) or at a time and date when Walmgate Bar wall maintenance works being undertaken by crane operation from the closed road have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. It is envisaged that the restrictions will only be put in to effect, between 0800hrs and 2000hrs, during the works period. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be signed during the works period.
The above temporary Orders will not prohibit works or emergency access nor will it prohibit access to premises provided that access is not prevented by on-going works or safety concerns. Traffic signs/barriers will indicate the extent of the prohibitions/restrictions.
For further information please contact Darren Hobson Telephone 01904 551367, Email: darren.hobson@york.gov.uk
Assistant Director (Highways, Transport and Waste)
West Offices, Station Rise, YORK YO1 6GA

Published on 23/09/2015