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NOTICE OF MAKING THE YORK PARKING STOPPING AND WAITING (AMENDMENT) (No 14/10) TRAFFIC ORDER 2015 Notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of September 2015 City of York Council, in exercise of powers under Sections 1, 2, 4, 32, 35, 45, 46, 53 and Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984 ("the Act") and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Schedule 9 of the Act, made an Order which has the effect of:
1. Introducing'No Waiting at any time' restrictions in York as follows:

(a) Broadway, on its:

(i) south side, from the projected centreline of Broadway Grove west for 15 metres and east for 15 metres,

(ii) south side, from the projected western kerbline with Heslington Lane west for 190 metres,

(iii) north side, between the projected eastern kerbline with Hollands Road and the projected eastern kerbline with Heslington Lane,

(b) Broadway Grove, on both sides, from the projected southern kerbline of Broadway south for 12 metres,

(c) Principal Rise, on its:

(i) north side, between the projected northern kerbline of the Tadcaster Road/ Principal Rise Roundabout controlled junction and a point 20 metres west of the projected western kerbline of College Street,

(ii) north side, between a point 10 metres west of the projected western kerbline of College Street and the projected eastern property boundary line of No. 10 Principal Rise,

(iii) north side, between a point 12 metres south east of the projected north western property boundary line of No. 9 Principal Rise and the projected north western kerbline of Principal Rise,

(iv) south side, between the projected northern kerbline of the Tadcaster Road/ Principal Rise Roundabout controlled junction and a point 38 metres west of the projected western kerbline of Scholars Court,

(v) south side, between a point 10 metres west of the projected western kerbline of Scholars Court and the projected eastern property boundary line of No. 10 Principal Rise,

(vi) south side, between a point 17 metres south east of the projected north western property boundary line of No. 9 Principal Rise and the projected north western kerbline of Principal Rise,

(vii) north west side, between a point 15 metres north of the projected southern propertyboundaryline ofNo. 20 Principal Rise and a point 15 metres south of the projected northern propertyboundary line of No. 11 Principal Rise,

(viii) south east side, between a point 45 metres north of the projected southern propertyboundaryline ofNo. 20 Principal Rise and a point 15 metres south of the projected northern propertyboundary line of No. 11 Principal Rise,

(ix) both sides, between a point 17 metres north west of the south eastern property boundary line of No. 33 Principal Rise and the projected south eastern kerbline of Principal Rise,

(x) north west side, from the projected south western kerbline of College Court south for 5 metres,

(xi) both sides, from the projected western kerbline of Academy Drive west for 10 metres;

(d) College Court, York, on its:

(i) west side, from the projected northern kerbline of Principal Rise north for 10 metres,

(ii) west side, from the projected northern kerbline of Masters Mews north for 10 metres,

(iii) east side, from the projected northern kerbline of Principal Rise north for 16 metres,

(iv) south and east side, between a point7 metres westof the projected eastern property boundary line of No.33 College Court and a point 4 metres north of the southern property boundary line of No. 9 College Court,

(v) south side, from the projected north western kerbline of Principal Rise north west for 10 metres,

(e) Masters Mews, on both sides, from the projected western kerbline of College Court west for 12 metres;

(f) AcademyDrive, York, on its west side, from the centreline of Principal Rise north for 7 metres and south for 7 metres.

2. Introducing 'No Waiting at any time' restrictions in Fulford as follows:

(a) Heath Moor Drive, on its:

(i) north side, from the projected northern kerbline with Heslington Lane south east for 30 metres,

(ii) south side, from the projected southern kerbline with Heslington Lane south east for 50 metres,

(iii) south west side, between the projected north western kerbline with Heslington Lane and the projected south eastern kerbline with Heslington Lane,

(b) Heslington Lane, on:

(i) both sides of the grassed central verge area, between the projected southern property boundary line of No 96 Heslington Lane and the projected northern kerbline with Heath Moor Drive,

(ii) its west side, from the projected southern kerbline with Broadway south for 65 metres,

(iii) its south east side, between a point 7 metres north of the projected south western property boundary line of No 134 Heslington Lane and the projected north eastern property boundary line of No 136 Heslington Lane,

(iv) its east side, between the projected southern kerbline with Broadway and the projected northern kerbline with Heath Moor Drive,

(v) its north side, from its roundabout controlled junction with Broadway (including the roundabout) north east for 350 metres (terminal point of existing 'No Waiting at any time' restrictions),

(vi) its south side, between its roundabout controlled junction with Broadway and the projected north eastern property boundary line of Fulford Golf

(c) Mitchel's Lane, on both sides, from the projected southern highway boundary line of Heslington Lane south for 10 metres.

3. Introducing 'No Waiting at any time' restrictions in Heslington Lane, Heslington, on its:

(a) north side, from the centreline of Newton Way east for 8 metres (terminal point of existing 'No Waiting at any time' restrictions),

(b) south side, from the projected north eastern property boundary line of Fulford Golf Club north east for 163 metres (terminal point of existing 'No Waiting at any time' restrictions).

4. introducing 'No Waiting at any time' restrictions in Intake Lane, Dunnington, on its:

(a) north side, between a point 28 metres west from the projected eastern boundary line of the Pump House enclosure (terminal point of existing 'No Waiting at any time' restrictions) and a point 62 metres east of the said line,

(b) south side, between points 20 metres and 45 metres east of the said line;

5. Amending the traffic regulations to formalise the existing 'on street' layout of waiting restrictions in Heslington Lane, Fulford and Heslington Lane, Heslington.

6. Re-defining the boundary of Zone R9 (LORD MAYOR'S WALK) Residents' Priority Parking Area to exclude that area within the propertyboundaryofthe former Monkgate Garage which is subject of planned redevelopment for residential purposes thereby removing that area from within the Zone;

7. Re-defining the boundary of Zone R30 (LAYERTHORPE/EAST PARADE) Residents' Priority Parking Area to exclude that area within the property boundary of the former Heworth Auto Point which is subject of planned redevelopment for residential purposes thereby removing that area from within the Zone.

8. revoking the Disabled Person's (Blue Badge) Parking Place from that length of Main Street, Bishopthorpe, on its north side, between points 6 metres and 12 metres west from the projected western property boundary line of No 23 Main Street;

9. formalising existing Disabled Person's (Blue Badge) Parking Place on the south east side of Beaconsfield Street, York, between points 180 metres and 186 metres (terminal point of existing 'No Waiting at any time' restrictions) south west of its junction with School Street;

10.introducing Disabled Person's (Blue Badge) Parking Places in:
(a) Sim Balk Lane (C296), Bishopthorpe on its east side between points 1 metre and 9.5 metres south of the projected southern propertyboundaryline of No. 26 Sim Balk Lane,

(b) Tower Street, York, on its north west side between points 9 metres and 21 metres south west of the north eastern property boundary line of No. 1 Tower Street thereby revoking the existing 'No Waiting at any time' restriction from within that length;

11.Introducing a 24 hour parking place on the east side of Sim Balk Lane (C296), Bishopthorpe between points 4 metres and 19 metres north of the projected southern property boundary line of No. 26 Sim Balk Lane the said parking place providing a limited parking period of 20 minutes (unlimited for Disabled Badge Holders) with a 60 minutes 'No Return' period between 9am and 5pm, Mondayto Saturdayand unlimited parking at other times including all day Sunday.
12.amending the existing prohibition on stopping on "School Keep Clear" markings outside the entrance to Canon Lee School on the south east side of Rawcliffe Drive, York, so that the prohibition applies from 8am to 9am and 2.15pm to 3.15pm, Monday to Friday thereby revoking the existing 8.30am to 9.30am and 3pm to 4pm prohibition applying on the said days;
13.introducing "School-Keep-Clear" markings on the south side of Rawcliffe Drive, York, between points 3 metres and 28.5 metres north from the projected north eastern kerbline of Linden Grove thereby providing an enforceable prohibition on stopping from 8am to 9am and from 2.15pm to 3.15pm, Monday to Friday;
14.Amending regulatory references and regulatory control of parking provision such amendment to more clearly define the eligibility for acquiring attendance permits within Residents' Priority Parking areas/zones.
The Order comes into effect on the 5th day of October 2015.
A copy of the Order incorporating relevant maps can be inspected at the Reception, West Offices, Station Rise, York, during normal business hours. Any person who wishes to question the validity of the Order or any of its provisions on the grounds that it is not within the powers of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 as amended or that a requirement of any regulation thereunder has not been complied with may, within 6 weeks from the date of making of the Order, make application for that purpose to the High Court.
TEMPORARY TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS Notice is hereby given that City of York Council, not less than 7 days from the publication of this Notice, intends to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (Act), in respect of the following locations.
(1) YORK ROAD, STRENSALL This Order will prohibit vehicles from proceeding and waiting in York Road, Strensall between its junctions with Middlecroft Grove and Church Lane (closed road) during the period commencing at 1800hrs on the 13th day of October 2015 and ending at 2400hrs on the 16th day of October 2015 (works period) or at time when carriageway resurfacing works being undertaken thereon have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. It is envisaged that the closure will only be put in to place, between 1800hrs and 2300hrs on Tuesday 13th October and Wednesday 14th October during the works period. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be signed during the works period.
(2) TANG HALL LANE & MAIN AVENUE, YORK This Order will prohibit vehicles from proceeding and waiting in that length of (i) Tang Hall Lane, York between its junctions with Melrosegate and Cornborough Avenue (ii) Main Avenue, York between its junction with Melrosegate and the western property boundary of No. 1 Main Avenue (closed road) during the period commencing at 0915hrs on the 15th day of October 2015 and ending at 2400hrs on the 16th day of October 2015 or at time when resurfacing works being undertaken thereon have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. During the closure period vehicle movements on Melrosegate will be maintained by temporary traffic light signal control. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be signed during the works period.
This Order will prohibit vehicles from proceeding through the Strensall No. 3 Level Crossing on Lords Moor Lane, Strensall (closed road) during the period commencing at 2300hrs on 10th day of October 2015 and ending at 0640hrs on the 11th day of October 2015 or at time when track maintenance works have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be signed during the works period.

This Order will prohibit vehicles from proceeding and waiting in the south bound traffic lane of Mill Lane, Heworth (closed traffic lane) during the period commencing at 2100hrs on the 13th day of October 2015 and ending at 0600hrs on the 14th day of October 2015 (works period) or at a time when telecommunication works being undertaken thereon have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be signed during the works period.

This Order will prohibit vehicles from proceeding and waiting in Fossgate, York (closed road) during the period commencing at 0800hrs and ending at 2000hrs on the 18th day of October 2015 (works period) or at a time when water works being undertaken thereon have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be signed. The above temporary Orders will not prohibit works or emergency access nor will they prohibit access to premises provided that access is not prevented by on-going works or safety concerns. Traffic signs/barriers will indicate the extent of the prohibitions/ restrictions.
For further information in respect of each location please contact:
Locations (1) and (2) Laurie Armitt Telephone 01904 551890, Email: laurie.armitt@york.
Locations (3), (4) and (5) Darren Hobson Telephone 01904 551367, Email: darren. hobson@york.gov.uk
Assistant Director (Highways, Transport and Waste)
Station Rise, West Offices, YORK YO1 6GA
Email: highway.regulation@york.gov.uk

Published on 02/10/2015