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Public Notice



Notice is hereby given that City of York Council (the Council), in exercise of powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (the Act), made an Order on the 5th day of November 2015 in respect of each of the locations numbered (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6). Additionally, the Council, not less than 7 days from the publication of this Notice, intends tomakean Orderunder Section 14(1) ofthe Actin respectofeach ofthe locations
numbered (7), (8), (9) and (10).
This Order prohibits vehicles from proceeding and waiting in Cornlands Road, York between its junction with Gale Lane and a point 25 metres south west of the said junction (closed road) during the period when carriageway resurfacing work being undertaken thereon that period commencing at0915hrs onthe9th dayofNovember 2015and ending at1600hrson the 13th dayofNovember 2015or ata time and date when the works havebeen completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. It is envisaged that the restrictions will only be put in to effect, between 0915hrs and 1600hrs on Monday 9th November. During the works period vehicle movements on Gale Lane will be controlled by two-way traffic signals. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be signed.
(2) SALISBURY TERRACE, YORK This Order prohibits vehicles from proceeding and waiting in Salisbury Terrace, York (closed road) during the period when carriageway resurfacing work being undertaken thereon that period commencing at 0915hrs on the 10th day of November 2015 and ending at 1600hrs onthe 11th dayofNovember 2015oratatimeand date when theworks havebeen complet-ed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be signed during the works period.
(3) FIELD VIEW, YORK This Order prohibits vehicles from proceeding and waiting in Field View, York (closed road) during the period when water work being undertaken thereon that period commencing at 0001hrs on the 14th dayofNovember 2015 and ending at2400hrs on the 15th dayof No-vember 2015 or at a time and date when the works have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. No alternative route for diverted traffic will be available during the works period.
(4) BECKFIELD LANE, YORK This Order prohibits vehicles from proceeding and waiting in Beckfield Lane, York between its junction with Wetherby Road and the northern property boundary of No. 4 Beckfield Lane (closed road) during the period when carriagewayresurfacing work being undertaken thereon that period commencing at 0900hrs on the 16th day of November 2015 and end-ing at 1600hrs on the 20th day of November 2015 or at a time and date when the works have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. During the works period vehicle movements on Wetherby Road and Ridgeway will be controlled by traffic signals. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be signed during the works period.
(5) FOURTH AVENUE & BAD BARGAIN LANE, YORK This Order prohibits vehicles from proceeding and waiting in (i) Fourth Avenue, York be-tween its junctions with Tang Hall Lane and Bad Bargain Lane, York and (ii) Bad Bargain Lane, York between its junctions with Fourth Avenue and Burnholme Drive (closed road) during theperiod when carriagewayresurfacing workbeing undertaken thereon thatperiod commencing at 0001hrs on the 16th dayof November 2015 and ending at1600hrs on the 27th day of November 2015 or at a time and date when the works have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. It is envisaged that the closure will only be put in to place Monday to Friday, between 0915hrs and 1445hrs during the works period. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be signed during the works period.
This Order prohibits vehicles from proceeding and waiting in Burton Stone Lane between its junctions with Clifton and a point 40 metres north east of the said junction (closed road) during the period when water disconnection works have been undertaken thereon that period commencing at0800hrs and ending at2000hrs on the9th dayofNovember 2015or on at a time when the works have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be
signed during the works period.
This Order will prohibit vehicles from proceeding and waiting in Jockey Lane, York between its junctions with New Lane and Kathryn Avenue (closed road) during the period commenc­ing at 1900hrs on the 15th day of November 2015 and ending at 2400hrs on the 4th day of December 2015 (works period) or at time when carriageway resurfacing works being undertaken thereon have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. It is envisaged that the closure will only be put in to placeduring an overnightperiod between 1900hrson Sunday15th November and 0600hrs on Saturday 21st November during the works period. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be signed during the works period.
(8) MOUNT PARADE, YORK This Order will prohibit vehicles from proceeding and waiting in Mount Parade, York be­tween the respective southern property boundary lines of No.'s 1 and 11 Mount Parade (closed road) during the period commencing at 0001hrs and ending at 2400hrs on the 18th dayof November 2015 (works period) or at a time and date when water works have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be signed during works period.
(9) THANET ROAD & RAILWAY VIEW This Order will prohibit vehicles from proceeding and waiting in (i) Thanet Road, York between its junctions with Chaloner's Road and Eason View, York (ii) Railway View, York between its junction with Thanet Road and a point 10metres north east of the said junction (closed road) during the period commencing at 0900hrs on the 18th dayofNovember 2015 and ending at 2400hrs on the 19th dayof November 2015 (works period) or at time when carriageway resurfacing works being undertaken thereon have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. Additionally, the 'ONE WAY' direction of traffic flow in Eason View is suspended during the period of physical closure to allow two-way traffic flow in the said road when the closure is put into effect. During the works period vehicle movements between Eason View and St Helen's Road will be controlled by two-way traffic signals. It is envisaged that the closure will be put in place in two phases, with one day for each phase during the works period.
(10) ST HELEN'S ROAD, YORK This Order will prohibit vehicles from proceeding and waiting in St Helen's Road, York between the respective western property boundaries of No.'s 5 and 12 St Helen's Road (closed road) during the period commencing at0001hrs on the 20th dayofNovember 2015 and ending at2400hrs on the 26th dayofNovember 2015(works period) or ata time when carriageway resurfacing works being undertaken thereon have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is toensure thatthe said works can be carried outsafely. Itis envisaged thatthe restrictionswill onlybeputintoeffectbetween 0900hrs and 1600hrs on Friday20th November 2015. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be available: from the eastern closure point via St Helen's Road, Tadcaster Road, Moor Lane, Chaloner's Road, Thanet Road and St Helen's Road.
from the western closure point via St Helen's Road, Eason View, Chaloner's Road, Moor Lane, Tadcaster Road and St Helen's Road.
The above temporary Orders will not prohibit works or emergency access nor will they pro-
hibit access to premises provided that access is not prevented byon-going works or safety
concerns. Traffic signs/barriers will indicate the extent of the prohibitions/restrictions.
For further information in respect of each location please contact:
Locations (1), (2), (4), (9) and (10) Laurie Armitt Telephone 01904 551890, Email:
Locations (3), (6) and (8) Darren Hobson Telephone 01904 551367, Email: darren.hobson@york.gov.uk
Locations (5) and (7) Jon Pickles Telephone 01904 553462, Email:
Assistant Director (Highways, Transport and Waste)
West Offices, Station Rise, YORK YO1 6GA

Published on 06/11/2015