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Public Notice


The following applications have been received by the City of York Council PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT AND REGULATIONS 1990
16/00120/LBC and 16/00121/FUL for conversion of first and second floor to 2no. self contained flats and alterations to ground floor's shop front at Sheesh Mahal, 112 Micklegate, York
16/00081/LBC for external and internal alterations including construction of external wall to rear courtyard and formation of pedestrian entrance with door to side boundary wall onto Trinity Lane, internal works to make alterations to layout including new door openings, blocking up of some existing openings, works to waste runs, new secondary glazing to 2nd floor bedroom and works to attic space. at 77 Micklegate, York
16/00136/LBC and 16/00137/FUL for refurbishment of existing annex building including replacement of vertical timber cladding with facing bricks, replacement of existing windows and doors to the internal courtyard at Elmbank Hotel, Driffield Terrace, York 16/00181/FUL for detached granny annex to rear at 6 St Marys Lane, York 16/00101/LBC for amendment to approval 15/00274/LBC Internal and external alterations to remove single storey basement extension, alteration to rear access stairs and basement access point including insertion of french doors and formation of basement patio and terracing to the rear garden at 64 Bootham, York
16/00162/FUL and 16/00163/LBC for Replacement of capstone to front garden wall at 1A Dewsbury Terrace, York
16/00140/FUL for amendment to approval 15/00274/LBC Internal and external alterations to remove single storey basement extension, alteration to rear access stairs and basement access point including insertion of french doors and formation of basement patio and terracing to the rear garden (resubmission) at 64 Bootham, York
16/00167/LBC for display of 1no. externally illuminated projecting sign, 2no. sets of signwritten text (one illuminated), 1no. internally illuminated menu case and 2no. removable chalkboards at Gibsons, 129 Micklegate, York
16/00130/LBC for replacement of ATMs on the station concourse at Railway Station, Station Road, York
16/00109/FUL for erection of rooftop extension with roof terrace to create apartment with rooms on fourth floor of 2 Low Ousegate at Coalters Ltd, 2 Low Ousegate, York
TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE) ORDER 2015. Notice under Article 15 (4) of application for planning permission. 15/02840/FULM for application under Section 73 of the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act to vary Condition 2 (to allow for a relocation of apartment block C and reconfiguration of the car parking arrangement) and to remove Condition 20 (Code for Sustainable Homes) in respect of permitted application 14/01716/FULM at The Residence, Bishopthorpe Road, York TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (Development Management Procedure) (England) ORDER 2015. Notice Under Article 15(3) of Application for Planning Permission Accompanied by an Environmental Statement 15/02031/FULM - Proposed development at Land At Grid Reference 458205 449925 West Of Bradley Lane, Rufforth, York
I give notice that H Barker and Son Ltd is applying to the City of York Council for planning permission for:
Application for erection of poultry farm comprising 6 no poultry sheds with ancillary buildings, access road and landscaping with amended highway layout, aviation and ammonia pollution reports Please note that the proposal has been amended. These amendments are summarised below:
1. Revised plans have been submitted.

2. Amended description.

The application is accompanied by an environmental statement. Members of the public may inspect copies of the application, the plans, the environmental statement and other documents submitted with the application at: http://www.york.gov.uk/planning or at City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise between 9am-5:30pm on weekdays. Please call 01904 551550 to arrange a viewing. Copies of the environmental statement may be obtained from Development Management, City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA at a charge of £40 for a hard copy or £20 for a CD so long as stocks last. Applications and plans can be inspected at www.york.gov.uk. Anyone wishing to make representations should do so in writing within 21 days to:-
Development Management, City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA _Dated: 3 February 2016_

Published on 03/02/2016