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Public Notice

Notice of application to vary a Premises Licence under Section 34 of the Licensing Act 2003

Notice of application to vary a Premises Licence under Section 34 of the Licensing Act 2003

Notice is hereby given that Stonegate Pub Company Limited i n respect of Premises known as Popworld, George Hudson Street, York,YOI 6JL applied to City of York Council for a Variation of a Premises Licence. The proposed variation is: 1. To extend the terminal hour for the sale of alcohol, films, indoor sporting events, recorded music, live music, performance of dance and late night refreshment Sundays to Thursdays 03:00 hours the following day. 2. To extend the opening hours to allow the premises to close at 03:30 hours the following day Sundays to Thursdays. 3. Additional nonstandard timing for notable days are also sought, as detailed in the application submitted to the LicensingAuthority.4.To remove all conditions in Annex 2 and Annex 3 of the premises licence, and to replace them with the operating schedule detailed in the application. Please see Application for full details. Any representations regarding thee above-mentioned application must be received in writing by Licensing Authority,York City Coincil, Licensing Services, Hazel Court Eco Depot, James Street, YOI0 3DS no later than 20 May 2016 stating the grounds for representation.The register of City of York Council and the record of the application may be inspected at the address of the council, given above, during normal business hours or on the council's website - www.york.gov.uk.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application.A person is liable to an unlimited fine on conviction should such a false statement be made.

Published on 28/04/2016