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Public Notice


The following applications have been received by the City of York Council
16/01063/LBC for display of canvas banner with logo to existing flag pole and internally illuminated menu box fixed to front wall at Pizza Express, 17 Museum Street, York 16/01057/LBC for erection of single storey rear extension including replacement of existing window with door at 3 Victor Street, York
16/01072/LBC for display of internally illuminated fascia sign and externally illuminated projecting sign together with repainting of shop front at 3 - 7 Coney Street, York 16/00855/LBC for internal and external alterations including display of fascia and hanging signs and removal of internal wall at York Body Piercing Centre, 64 Micklegate, York 16/00864/FUL for change of use of 3 and 5 St Helens Square from shop (Class A1) and bank (Class A2) to restaurant with associated alterations at Bradleys UK Limited, 3 St Helens Square, York
16/00865/LBC for internal alterations including installation of staircase, disabled lift and partition walls, conversion of office to disabled toilet and other alterations to accommodate change of use into restaurant at Bradleys UK Limited, 3 St Helens Square, York 16/01159/LBC for external alteration to display hanging sign at 15 Stonegate, York 16/00011/LBC for internal alterations with two storey extension to rear to create 3no. dwellings at Richardson And Co Ltd, 1 Peckitt Street, York
16/01126/FUL for variation ofcondition 2 ofpermitted application 14/02237/FUL toreplace part of approved conservatory with a single story side extension and removal of first floor window above previously approved conservatory at Gate Fulford Lodge, Fenwicks Lane, York. In the event of an appeal against a refusal of this householder application, any representations made will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment.
16/01135/LBC for internal alterations in connection with change of use from retail to restaurant/bar at 15 Stonegate, York
16/01020/FUL for erection of kiosk and seating area (retrospective) at Carluccios, Kiosk Outside 2, St Marys Square, York
16/00501/FUL for erection of card controlled barrier and provision of cycle storage to the rear car park at Grange Hotel, 1 Clifton, York
16/01003/FUL for change of use of 5th floor from office (Use class B1) to residential (use class C3) and extension to the top floor and first floor to create 5no. residential units, change of use and additional floorspace at ground floor units to flexible use (Use Classes A1/A3/A4 ) with associated external alterations to car parking, landscaping at Stonebow House, The Stonebow, York
16/00985/FUL for installation of 4no. low level lights along front footpath at All Saints Church, Church Lane, Huntington, York
16/00832/FUL for two storey side and single storey rear extensions at 6 Nunthorpe Crescent, York, In the event of an appeal against a refusal of this householder application, any representations made will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment.
16/01012/FUL for change of use of ground floor from retail (Use Class A1) to cafe/ restaurant (Use Class A3) with internal and external alterations at110 Micklegate, York 16/01014/FUL for alterations to shop and shop front and the addition of 2no. flats including a two storey extension to the rear after the demolition of an existing two storey extension and outbuildings at Mustgetgear Ltd, 43 Front Street, York 16/01005/FUL for two storey and single storey rear extension, porch to front and conversion of part of garage into habitable room at 25 Hillcrest Avenue, Nether Poppleton,
In the event of an appeal against a refusal of this householder application, any representations made will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment.
16/00982/FUL for renewal and refurbishment of entrance canopy to include re-roofing of flat roof, re-cladding of fascia and soffit and replacement signage to include digital media screen and LED display panels at York Theatre Royal, St Leonards Place, York 16/01053/LBC for re-roof house at 22 Clifton Green, York. In the event of an appeal against a refusal of this householder application, any representations made will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment. 16/00925/LBC for internal alterations including the removal of chimney breasts and internal walls in association with the conversion of 5no. flats into 1no. dwelling, extension to rear of annex to form double garage and erection of garden wall to rear at Flat A, Prospect Farm, Main Street, Askham Richard, York
16/00711/FUL for creation of a landscaped enclosed garden including erection of a retaining wall and fence at The Retreat, 107 Heslington Road, York 16/00856/FUL for alterations to front wall forming canopy and off road parking space served by new vehicular access to facilitate subdivision of property into two dwellings together with erection of detached double garage at QA Research, Brackenhill, 29 St Georges Place, York
16/00976/FUL for single storey rear extension at 7 Tower Place, Tower Street, York 16/00977/LBC for single storey rear extension and other external and internal works including removal of existing ground floor window with opening enlarged, reuse of drainpipe and replacement of existing ground floor timber flooring with concrete and tiled floor finish at 7 Tower Place, Tower Street, York
TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE) ORDER 2015. Notice under Article 15 (4) of application for planning permission.
16/01073/OUTM for Erection of no.67 dwellings at Land To The North Of Avon Drive, Huntington, York
Applications and plans can be inspected at www.york.gov.uk. Anyone wishing to make
representations should do so in writing within 21 days to:-
Development Management, City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA Dated: 18 May 2016

Published on 18/05/2016