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Public Notice


The following applications have been received by the City of York Council
16/01504/FUL for removal and replacement of existing door and doorframe at Merchant Adventurers Hall, Fossgate, York
16/01163/FUL for change of use from retail (use class A1) to mixed use restaurant/bar (use class A3/A4), formation of roof top terrace with balustrade to rear and outside seating area to front at 5 Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate, York
16/01493/FUL for internal subdivision to create one bedroom dwelling within existing dwelling at 5 Minster Yard, York
16/01513/FUL for external works including part erection of wall to infill a gap in the existing boundary wall, buttresses to existing boundary wall and creation of raised planting beds to rear gardens (part retrospective) at 122 Holgate Road, York
16/01484/LBC for application of limewash finish to front elevation following repair of timber frame and infill panels at The Carphone Warehouse, 20 Coney Street, York 16/01523/FUL for Single storey rear extension to create additional customer seating at The Rattle Owl, 104 Micklegate, York
16/01524/LBC for single storey rear extension with associated internal alterations to create additional customer seating at The Rattle Owl, 104 Micklegate, York
16/01532/FUL for conversion of upper floors of 4-6 Church Street and 26-30 Swinegate to form 8no. apartments, bin/recycling storage at ground floor and alterations to ground floor shop front at 26 - 30 Swinegate, York
16/01623/LBC for internal and external alterations to shopfront, refurbishment works including new floor, wall and ceiling finishes and construction of partition walls at Greggs Of Yorkshire, 15 St Sampsons Square, York
16/01439/FUL for extension to roof to create 1no. apartment at Kings House, 12 King Street, York
16/01438/FUL for extension to roof to create 1no. apartment at Reina, 2 Cumberland Street, York 16/01566/FUL for single storey rear extension at Mary Shortle, 9 Lord Mayors Walk, York 16/01575/LBC for installation of replacement non-illuminated fascia sign at 10 Church Street, York
16/01585/FULforsinglestoreyextensionsandexternalalterationstobungalows7and8at Bungalow 7, Connaught Court, St Oswalds Road, York
16/01593/LBC for internal and external alterations including repainting of window frames, architraves, pilasters and mouldings at Pizza Express, 17 Museum Street, York 16/01328/FUL for erection of detached holiday annex building to rear (revised scheme) at The Homestead, Front Street, Naburn
16/01573/FUL for change of use from retail (use class A1) to restaurant and cafe (use class A3) at Halfords, 10 Coppergate, York
16/00503/FUL for application under Section 19 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 for variation of condition 2 of listed building consent 15/01664/LBC to alter layout to allow for 3no. additional rooms and relocation of laundry and gymnasium to basement. at Offices, 2-14 George Hudson Street, York 16/01467/LBC for internal and external alterations including installation of staircases, internal walls, bar and flooring along with new extractor and external chiller units at Macdonalds, 19 - 22 Fossgate, York
16/01469/FUL for variation of condition 2 of permitted application 15/02091/FUL to omit 1no. dwelling to provide additional parking at Garage Court, Agar Street, York 16/01475/FUL for Replacement windows to front, side and rear at Flat 2, 13 Wenlock Terrace, York
16/01385/LBC for formation of ramped entrance with associated handrail at St Peters School, Clifton, York
16/01471/LBC for single storey rear extension following demolition of existing two storey and single storey rear extensions at 6 Peckitt Street, York
16/01648/FUL for installation of replacement grilles in fascia panel at Molton Brown, Davygate
TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE) ORDER 2015. Notice under Article 15 (4) of application for planning permission.
16/01534/REMM for reserved matters application for approval of access, appearance and landscaping for egg production building (following outline approval 15/02439/OUTM) at Land West Of Hagg Wood, Broad Highway, Wheldrake
16/01557/REMM for change of appearance to house types T3, T4, T6, T24, T25, T26, T27, T30, T31 and single garage on plots 31- 35, 40-79, 89-90 and 103-114 (59 dwellings in total) of development approved under ref : 15/00121/REMM (reserved matters application for approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 215 dwellings following the grantofoutlinepermission 11/00860/OUTM)atFormerGrain Stores, WaterLane,York 16/01446/OUTM for demolition of existing buildings, use of land to car storage facility and erection of office building at Whitehall Grange, Wigginton Road, York Applications and plans can be inspected at www.york.gov.uk. Anyone wishing to make representations should do so in writing within 21 days to:-
Development Management, City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA _Dated: 20 July 2016_

Published on 20/07/2016