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Public Notice



Notice of Application for New Premises Licence


Take notice that Cau Restaurants Limited has made an application under section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for a new premises licence for a family restaurant, Cau Restaurant, 47 Lowpeter Gate, York, YO1 7HT. The application is to allow at the premises the provision of recorded music and the sale by retail of alcohol from 09:00 to 00:00, Monday to Sunday,Late night refreshment from 23:00 hours to 00:00 hours Monday to Sunday on such con-
ditions and at such other times as set out in the application. This application has been made to City of York Council. Details of the application can be viewed at the City of York Council, Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS Monday to Friday during normal hours of business or at any time at www.york.gov.uk. Any persons who wishes to make representations about this application should do so in writing to the City of York Council, Eco Depot Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS no later than 7th September 2016. It would be helpful if those makng representations would also send a copy of the notice to Gordon Dadds LLP, 6 Agar Street London,WC2N 4HN. It is an offence knowingly or reckessly to make a fa se statement in connection with an application which, upon conviction, carries a maximum fine of £5,000.

Published on 16/08/2016