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Public Notice


The following applications have been received by the City of York Council PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT AND REGULATIONS 1990
16/01793/LBC for repair works to chimney including replacing render with brickwork at The Kings Arms, 3 Kings Staith, York
16/01816/LBC for single storey rear extension incorporating erection of a glazed roof over existing yard and creation of opening in external boundary wall, alterations to existing roof and new internal opening to kitchen at White House, Main Street, Fulford, York 16/01815/FUL for single storey rear extension incorporating erection of a glazed roof over existing yard and creation of opening in external boundary wall and alterations to existing roof at White House, Main Street, Fulford, York
16/01835/FUL for erection of 1no. dwelling with associated landscaping and parking following demolition of existing office at 51 Huntington Road, York
16/01769/FUL for conversion of Ouse Barge to floating arts venue with mooring and pedestrian access at Proposed Floating Arts Venue, South Esplanade, York 16/01751/FUL for installation of 2no. rooflights and new louvred door and window to replace existing at The Bootham Tavern, 29 Bootham, York
16/01642/FUL for erection of visitor centre at base of motte, cafe unit on roof deck, installation of new staircase, tower floor, walkways balustrading, roof-deck and restoration works at Cliffords Tower, Tower Street, York
16/01724/FUL for erection of 4no. dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling at Greenlay House, 1 Bull Lane, Heworth, York
16/01725/FULfor amendment to permitted application 13/00538/FULto install rooflights to side elevation roofslope at 290A Tadcaster Road, York
16/01799/FUL for change of use of highway to outside seating area at Las Iguanas 21 Back Swinegate, York, YO1 8AD
16/01748/FULfor installation of canopies to ground floor windows with associated alterations to accommodate operating mechanism at Kennedys Cafe Bar, 1 Little Stonegate, York 16/01746/FUL for alterations to shopfront and installation of cooler unit and extractor to rear at Lendal Newsagents, 19 Lendal, York
16/01747/LBC for reconfiguration of shopfront and installation of cooler unit and extractor to rear together with alterations to internal layout at Lendal Newsagents, 19 Lendal, York 16/01755/LBC for external alterations including refurbishment and redecoration of shop front, replacement hanging sign, mosaics to recess within shop front and alterations to existing fascia sign at Coast, 20 Davygate, York
16/01773/FUL for demolition of rear extension and reinstatement of rear door and steps
at 28 Gillygate, York
16/01774/LBC for demolition of rear extension and reinstatement of rear door and steps
at 28 Gillygate, York
16/01029/FUL for replacement windows and door to front at 1A Kyme Street, York 16/01760/FUL for first floor side extension over existing garage at 141 Long Ridge Lane, Upper Poppleton, York
16/01743/FUL for single storey rear extension at 50 Bishophill Senior, York 16/01420/FUL for single storey rear extension at 68 Hawthorn Terrace, Hawthorn Terrace Central, NewEarswick TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (Development Management Procedure) (England) ORDER 2015. Notice Under Article 15(3) of Application for Planning Permission Accompanied by an Environmental Statement 16/01813/FULM - Proposed development at Land At Grid Reference 458205 449925 West Of Bradley Lane, Rufforth, York
I give notice that H Barker And Son Ltd is applying to the City of York Council for planning permission for: Erection of poultry farm comprising 6 no poultry sheds with ancillary buildings, access road and landscaped embankments (resubmission) The application is accompanied by an environmental statement. Members of the public may inspect copies of the application, the plans, the environmental statement and other documents submitted with the application at: http://www.york.gov.uk/planning or at City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise between 9:00am - 5:30pm on weekdays. Please call 01904 551550 to arrange a viewing. Copies of the environmental statement may be obtained from Development Management, City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA at a charge of £40 for a hard copy or £20 for a CD so long as stocks last. Applications and plans can be inspected at www.york.gov.uk. Anyone wishing to make representations should do so in writing within 21 days to:-
Development Management, City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA or email planning.comments@york.gov.uk Dated: 17 August 2016

Published on 17/08/2016