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Public Notice


NOTICE OF PROPOSALS THE YORK PARKING, STOPPING AND WAITING (AMENDMENT) (NO 14/21) TRAFFIC ORDER 2016 Notice is hereby given that City of York Council, in exercise of powers under Sections 1, 2, 4, 32, 35, 45, 46, 53 and Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984 ("the Act") and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Schedule 9 of the Act, proposes to make an Order which will have the effect of
Re-defining 'Residents' Priority' parking area thereby bringing within the R58 zone the residential properties numbered 1 to 15 Cameron Walker Grove and the 2 hour limited parking bay on the east side of Bishopthorpe Road between a point 14 metres south from the projected centreline of Aldreth Grove and a point 14 metres north from the projected centreline of Cameron Grove, thereby revoking the existing 2 hour limited parking restriction. A copy of the draft Order, Statement of Reasons for making it and relevant maps can be inspected at the Reception, West Offices, Station Rise, York, during normal business hours. Objections or other representations specifying reasons for the objection or representation should be sent to me in writing to arrive no later than 7th October 2016.
TEMPORARY TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS Notice is hereby given that City of York Council (the Council), in exercise of powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (the Act), made an Order on the 15th day of September 2016 in respect of each of the locations numbered (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Additionally, the Council, not less than 7 days from the publication of this Notice, intends to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Act in respect of the location numbered (6), (7),
(8), (9), (10), (11) and (12).
This Order prohibits vehicles from proceeding and waiting in that length of Monkton Road, York between its junctions with Byland Avenue and Barfield Road (closed road) during the period when carriageway resurfacing works being undertaken thereon that period commencing at 0001hrs on the 19th dayof September 2016 and ending at 2400hrs on the 5th day of October 2016 (works period) or at a time when the works have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be available during the works period. It is envisaged that the works will be undertaken in 2 phases, during the following times & dates: Phase 1 - 0800hrs on Monday 19th September till 1800hrs on Friday 23rd September; Phase 2 - 0800hrs on Tuesday 4th October till 1800hrs on Wednesday 5th October.
This Order prohibits vehicles from proceeding and waiting in that length of Haxby Road, York between its junctions with Vyner Street and Greenfields (closed road) during the period when carriagewayresurfacing worksbeing undertaken thereon thatperiod commencing at0001hrs on the 18th day of September 2016 and ending at 2400hrs on the 25th day of September 2016 (works period) or at a time when the works have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be available during the works period. It is envisaged that the works will be undertaken in 2 phases, during the following times & dates: Phase 1 - 0800hrs - 1800hrs on Sunday18th September; Phase 2 - 0800hrs - 1800hrs on Sunday25th September.
ThisOrderprohibitsvehiclesfrom proceedingand waiting in thatlength ofYorkRoad,Askham Richard between its junctions with Mill Lane and Main Street, Askham Richard (closed road) during the period when culvert replacement works being undertaken thereon that period commencing at 0001hrs on the 19th dayof September 2016 and ending at 2400hrs on the 23th day of September 2016 (works period) or at a time when the works have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be available during the works period.
This Order prohibits vehicles from proceeding and waiting in that length of Eastfield Lane, Dunnington between its junctions with Holly Tree Lane and Stamford Bridge Road (A166) (closed road) during the period when telecommunication works being undertaken thereon that period commencing at 0001hrs on the 19th day of September 2016 and ending at 2400hrs on the 29th day of September 2016 (works period) or at a time when the works have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be available during the works period via Eastfield Lane, Church Balk, Stamford Bridge Road and vice versa.
This Order prohibits vehicles from proceeding and waiting in that length of the north west bound traffic lane of Rougier Street, York between its junctions with Tanner Row and Station Road (closed road) during the period when carriageway improvement works being undertaken thereon that period commencing at 2100hrs on the 20th dayof September 2016 and ending at 0600hrs on the 21stdayofSeptember 2016 (works period) or ata time when the works have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be available during the works period.
This Order will prohibit vehicles from proceeding and waiting in that length of Gerard Avenue, York (closed road) during the period commencing at 0001hrs on the 26th day of September 2016 and ending at 2400hrs on the 5th day of October 2016 (work period) or at time when carriageway resurfacing works being undertaken thereon have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be available during the works period. It is envisaged that the works will be undertaken in 2 phases, during the following times & dates: Phase 1 - 0800hrs on Monday 26th September till 1800hrs on Thursday 29th September; Phase 2 - 0800hrs till 1800hrs on Wednesday 5th October.
This Order will prohibit vehicles from proceeding and waiting in High Petergate, York (closed road) during the period commencing at 0800hrs on the 26th day of September 2016 and ending at 2400hrs on the 30th day of September 2016 (works period) or at a time/date when sewer works being undertaken thereon have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. Additionally, the 'ONE WAY' direction of traffic flow in High Petergate is suspended during the period of physical closure to allow two-way traffic flow in the said road when the closure is put into effect. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be available during the works period.
This Order will prohibitvehicles from proceeding and waiting in thatlength ofHeslington Lane, York between the south western property boundary line of No. 96 Heslington Lane and the north eastern property boundary of No.134 Heslington Lane (closed road) during the period commencing at 0001hrs on the 26th day of September 2016 and ending at 2400hrs on the 30th day of September 2016 (work period) or at time when carriageway resurfacing works being undertaken thereon have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. No alternative route for diverted traffic will be available during the works period.
This Order will prohibit vehicles from proceeding and waiting in that length of Lang Road, Bishopthorpe between its junctions with Sim Balk Lane and Coggan Way (closed road) during the period commencing at 0001hrs on the 26th day of September 2016 and ending at 2400hrs on the 21st day of October 2016 (work period) or at time when carriageway resurfacing works being undertaken thereon have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried outsafely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be available during the works period.
This Order will prohibit vehicles from proceeding and waiting in that length of Lindsey Avenue, York between the northern property boundary of No. 122 Lindsey Avenue its junction with Sowerby Road (closed road) during the period commencing at 0001hrs on the 26th day of September 2016 and ending at2400hrson the 30th dayofSeptember 2016 (workperiod) or at time when carriageway resurfacing works being undertaken thereon have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be available during the works period.
This Order will prohibit vehicles from proceeding and waiting in Field View, York (closed road) during the period commencing at 0001hrs on the 26th day of September 2016 and ending at 2400hrs on the 30th day of September 2016 (work period) or at time when carriageway resurfacing works being undertaken thereon have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can becarried outsafely. An alternative route for diverted traffic will be available during the works period.
This Order will prohibit pedestrians and vehicles from proceeding in the Cinder Lane footbridge over the railway track(closed footpath) during theperiod commencing at 2200hrs on the 26th day of September 2016 and ending at 0600hrs on the 28th day of September 2016 (works period) or at a time and date when bridge maintenance works being undertaken thereon have been completed whichever is the earlier. This is to ensure that the said works can be carried out safely. No alternative route for diverted traffic will be available during the works period. The above temporary Orders will not prohibit works or emergency access nor will they prohibit access to premises provided that access is not prevented by on-going works or safety concerns. Traffic signs/barriers will indicate the extent of the prohibitions/restrictions. For further information in respect of each location please contact:
Locations (1), (2) and (6) Murtaza Khaliq Telephone 01904 551062, Email: murtaza.khaliq@york.gov.uk
Location (3) Jim Cavanagh, Telephone 01904 553507, Email: jim.cavanagh@york.gov.uk Locations (4), (5), (7) and (12) Darren Hobson Telephone 01904 551367, Email: darren.hobson@york.gov.uk
Locations (8), (9), (10) and (11) Gary Oldroyd, Telephone 01904553505, Email: gary.oldroyd@york.gov.uk
Director of City & Environmental Services
West Offices, Station Rise, YORK YO1 6GA
Email: highway.regulation@york.gov.uk

Published on 16/09/2016