EXCEL Telecom Limited has every right to be hopeful as it enters the Think Green category of The Press Business Awards 2010.

A little more than a month ago the Wetherby-based telecommunications company scooped the Green Award Small Business 2010 in the Federation of Communication Services Awards.

It was its green policy which four years ago led it to relocate to the award-winning Carlshead Business Centre, part of Wetherby’s Paddock House Farms which heats the offices using renewable biomass and contributes excess energy to the National Grid.

The offices were also central, minimising travel distances for staff and combined with car sharing schemes, reduced carbon emissions.

As part of Excel’s green thinking policy it has halved the amount of printed documents printed. That is known because a new printer was purchased which monitors use and served as a reminder, among others, to staff, not to print unless necessary.

Internal systems were developed to enable staff to follow up and deal with customer queries electronically rather than use paper messages and files.

By offering a reduced rate for customers who take lines and calls with Excel when services are accepted without a field visit, these visits and associated emissions affecting the environment, have been reduced by two-thirds.

And its customers are offered the option of buying “green minutes” – carbon neutral minutes helping businesses to reduce their carbon footprint.

The company is also finalising a scheme which will mean Excel advising customers on how it can help then lessen their effect on the environment by embracing modern technology and good business practice.

Having completed a three- month trial it will be delivered to all customers by the end of the yeart.

Plans for the next year also include achieving the target of billing 85 per cent of customers electronically, publishing a guide to carbon neutral telecoms on its website, and enhancing systems to transmit and store more documents electronically.