AVIVA is to demonstrate how it has promoted equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees at a York event on March 18.

Aviva Pride, the business’s LGBT employee network, was founded in 2007 and has members across the UK.

The York branch, led by Simon Rodgers, and senior managers in the business, including global marketing director Jan Gooding and UK Life chief risk officer Angela Darlington, will discuss how Aviva has promoted LGBT equality, and worked with the wider LGBT community to encourage other workplaces to promote LGBT equality.

Aviva Pride is also hoping to establish an inter-organisation network, including other partners such as the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Crown Prosecution Service in York.

The event will take place at Aviva’s Wellington Row office, at 5.30pm. Visit avivaprideyork.eventbrite.co.uk to register.