A NORTH Yorkshire recycling and waste management specialist has won a healthy addition to its list of clients.

Yorwaste has been awarded a three-year contract to manage the recycling and disposal of the hundreds of tonnes of non-clinical waste York Hospital produces each year.

The Northallerton-based firm is owned by City of York Council and North Yorkshire County Council and provides services including engineered landfill, liquid waste treatment and the supply of landfill gas for generating power, while its Yorventure arm supports local communities and has provided more than £7m in grants over the last decade.

It will deal with York Hospital's annual output of 600 tonnes of non-clinical waste, 120 tonnes of cardboard and 40 tonnes of newspapers and magazines.

"We are a responsibly producer of waste and take our environmental responsibilities very seriously," said the hospital's portering and environment manager Andy Sanderson.

"We awarded the contract to Yorwaste because we needed a contractor who could work with us to maximise the proportion of waste we recycle."

He said the hospital would now be recycling material such as office paper, inkjet toners, cans, glass and plastic as well as cardboard and newspaper.

"We are delighted to be working with the hospital to help it increase the amount of waste it recycles and are confident it can considerably reduce the proportion of waste it sends to landfill," said Yorwaste recycling manager John Miller.