YORK is hosting the launch of an ambitious strategy to attract investment to the region and stimulate the local economy this week today.

Leeds City Region, in association with York Business Forum, will launch its new Innovation Capital Programme at the Merchant Adventurers’ Hall later today.

The initiative, which aims to promote closer links between the region’s universities and businesses, has been developed with the involvement of more than 160 local businesses.

It will form part of the proposals to develop a local enterprise partnership, the role of which will be to encourage strong collaboration between local businesses and councils to create the right environment for economic growth.

Kersten England, chief executive of City of York Council said: “The Leeds City Region is home to some of the brightest and most successful entrepreneurs and businesses in the UK, and world-leading research in a wide range of disciplines. This programme is about connecting these assets and harnessing their tremendous potential for wealth creation.

“As local authorities we have a key role to play in this programme. By understanding our economic strengths and the needs of our businesses, we can more effectively direct our efforts and investment to create a better business environment in which innovation and ingenuity can thrive – a workforce with the right skills, a transport infrastructure that is reliable, housing that suits the needs of those living and working here, and a quality of life that will retain graduates and attract talent and investment to the area.”

Councillor Andrew Waller, leader of City of York Council will speak at the event with a number of other local authority and business leaders from across the region.

Read more about the programme on thepress.co.uk/business later.