IT seems that every time we go out another café appears on our route.

This venture, not yet three months old, is located on the Wigginton Road about half a mile beyond the ring road.

It is well sign-posted and has a most attractive drive in, a lane shared with people making for the caravan park.

There is ample parking and a level entry to the shop and café.

Having sat for sometime without being offered a menu (we began to think we were wearing Harry Potter invisibility cloaks) the owner appeared full of apologies and the routine immediately swung into action.

Fare included a green salad (£5.75). ploughman's lunch (£5.25) and jacket potatoes (£4.50).

The specials board advertised home-made vegetable soup (£3.60) and quiche Lorraine with salad and chips or new potatoes (£5.95).

Ann's first choice was a hot chocolate with cream (£2.10) which was proclaimed very hot and delicious. For me a pot of tea (£1.60) provided two excellent cups.

Then came an egg mayonnaise sandwich (£3.35) which Ann said was lovely.

I thought that an omelette (£4.95) would be a nice change choosing mushroom as an alternative to cheese or ham. Another winner, with almost too many mushrooms.

The puddings all priced £2.25 included pancakes with ice-cream, lemon roulade with cream, pears and almond tart with custard plus "Eat an Mess", described as meringue with a fresh raspberry coulis.

We chose the latter with two spoons. It was very good and a variation on what we know as Eton Mess!

When we came to pay we qualified for a ten per cent discount as it was seniors day (Wednesday).

Do we look that old?