A DANCE teacher from York wants to see more men in the city take to the floor in 2011 and get fit through salsa.

Simon Taylor, 43, a successful dance teacher, moved to York last year and established his regular Monday evening classes, but said attitudes to dance in York meant his sessions were short of male dancers.

Simon, who is also known as Mr Mambo, said: “There are 20 dancers who come regularly, but I need more men. “The thing about York is that the approach to dance is completely different. Nobody has big classes. Where I come from in Derby and Nottingham it’s a more acceptable form of exercise.”

Simon featured in The Press in October when he told how he had battled his way back from a near fatal aneurysm. He collapsed while out jogging with a friend and spent the following three days unconscious in hospital while doctors battled to repair the rip in his aorta.

He said salsa dancing saved his life.

“The doctor told me that because I was so fit through dancing, it played a big part in saving my life,” he said.

He now wants to persuade men in York to take advantage of the health benefits and social scene that salsa can provide.

“It’s exercise in disguise,” he said. “It’s great aerobic exercise while you are enjoying yourself.

“I want to make a mark and get people out there. Just think of it as going to the gym, but just being more fun.”

For more information on Simon and his classes, which take place at the Hospital Sports and Social Club on Monday evenings, visit his website at flipandbounce.co.uk or phone him on 07977 491 272.