THE difficulties facing school pupils with autism and Asperger’s syndrome have been brought to the attention of the Prime Minister thanks to two North Yorkshire teenagers.

Selby MP Nigel Adams yesterday highlighted the work of 16-year-old Ben Oldroyd, from Selby, and Matthew Carr, 17, who have been offering seminars to teachers in Selby on how to recognise and deal with pupils with Asperger’s syndrome.

During Prime Minister’s questions yesterday, Mr Adams asked David Cameron if he agreed that the work of the pair was of “great benefit to schools and the teaching profession”.

Ben, who like Matthew has experienced life in the classroom with Asperger’s, said: “We are both excited that this has been raised in Parliament.

“There’s an extreme need for this because nobody recognises or understands it. Even just recognition that somebody has this is crucial to their education.”

Mr Adams said: “They have asked for my help as they both want to visit schools and talk to staff and pupils about their own experiences and the challenges faced by pupils with autism.”

Mr Cameron said there was a huge amount that could be done by people themselves to increase understanding of the conditions and said he was sure Ben and Matthew’s work was “extremely worthwhile”.