Mr R Simpson (Letters, December 13) compares wind turbines with the Eiffel Tower.

It would be one thing to have a full-size replica of the tower somewhere suitable in the UK, but we would not want 7,000 of them.

It would only need six nuclear power stations like Sizewell, using existing nuclear sites, to replace all the proposed 7,000 offshore wind turbines.

The electricity would be half the price of wind power. The cost saving could be used to electrify all our railways and bring back electric trams.

I think wind turbines are elegant, but I do not want them to dominate every view of our beautiful countryside or coast.

They are only economic when supplying off-grid locations such as islands.

If we are serious about saving civilisation from global warming, we need nuclear power, home insulation along with much less car and plane use.

The alternative is not renewable energy, but a return to medieval starvation, disease and wars.

Ray Wilkes, Tower Road, Shipley, West Yorkshire.