FINGER-STYLE guitarist Duck Baker will perform tracks from his new album The Roots And Branches Of American Music on Thursday at City Screen, York, as part of his spring tour of Picturehouse cinemas.

“Duck Baker is one of the few solo performers whose background includes almost every aspect of American music, from electric rock to finger-picking acoustic blues, ragtime, bluegrass and swing jazz,” says Dave Taylor, City Screen’s marketing officer.

“He’s toured and recorded with virtually every significant British guitarist on the scene, such as Davey Graham, John Renbourn, Bert Jansch and Stefan Grossman, and for this special solo tour, he’s promoting an album that spans his long career as one of the world’s best acoustic guitarists.”

Enlivening the 8pm event with stories and anecdotes, Duck – real name Richard R Baker – will take Thursday’s audience on a tour through the life of modern American folk music.

“I’ve been involved in performing different kinds of American music for 45 years now and it’s a real pleasure and a privilege to present it in York,” he says.

Tickets cost £12 for members, £14 for non-members, on 0871 704 2054 or online at

Win the CD

Courtesy of City Screen, York, York Twenty4Seven has two CD copies of Duck Baker’s The Roots And Branches Of American Music to be won.

Question: What is Duck Baker’s real name?

Send your answer with your name, address and daytime phone number, on a postcard, to Charles Hutchinson, Duck Baker Competition, The Press, 76-86 Walmgate, York, YO1 9YN, by next Friday. Usual competition rules apply.