Steve Coogan has revealed that he enjoyed his gastronomic Italian road trip with Rob Brydon.

Four years after they ate their way around the north of England in The Trip, the comic duo, along with director Michael Winterbottom, have reunited for a culinary expedition to sample the country's delights in comedy sequel The Trip To Italy, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival.

" We went around Italy, ate in some wonderful locations and talked about life," Steve said.

The Oscar-nominated star of Philomena admitted fans of the first film, The Trip, can expect more of the same this time around. The TV series is expected to be shown on the BBC later this year.

" It's sort of the same as the first one really. The first was a six-part series and a movie. This one is the same thing - it's a movie at Sundance. But we're really excited about it," he said.

"It's funny. It's a different sort of broad comedy film that doesn't take itself too seriously but it does actually deal with quite serious subjects. It's great to do, it's very liberating."

Rob said at times, they felt like English Romantic poets Lord Byron and Percy Shelley.

"We follow in the footsteps of Byron and Shelley. Last time it was (William) Wordsworth and (Samuel) Coleridge," he said.

"We start in the north, worked our way down through Rome, Tuscany and the Amalfi Coast, just the two of us talking, visiting places. We did six different restaurants. They were amazing places. The further south we went, the more the sun was shining.

"It was a remarkable experience. I hope people will like it," the 48-year-old added.