YORK Shakespeare Project’s summer productions of Henry IV Part One and Part Two add up to a mighty challenge for principal actors Maurice Crichton, Chris Laishley and Robin Sanger.

“It’s hugely ambitious to do two full plays in the time we would normally do one,” says Maurice. “So we’ve been rehearsing more than we would normally do: twice as many rehearsals, and for some members of the cast that means doing more than one big role.

“As Falstaff, Robin is doing the largest role in both plays, and it adds up to a role as big as Hamlet! Whereas I’ve had to learn 40-line speeches for the king’s role, Robin has lots of interactive speeches, which is harder as you have to work in tandem with the other actors.”

Robin is among the most experienced of all actors on the York stage, but performing at the Church of St Martin-cum-Gregory is a new experience for him.

“You really have to pitch your voice right, which is why it’s been good to be in here for two weeks before the show,” he says.

“I would never have dreamt of doing a play in here, but now I can see why Tom [director Tom Cooper] has chosen it, as the atmosphere is just right. We’re performing history plays on pieces of history as the floor is made up of gravestones.”

For Chris, playing Prince Hal in the two Henrys is the perfect challenge before he takes up his scholarship place at the Mountview Academy Of Theatre Arts, courtesy of The Stage newspaper.

“I’ve done Julius Caesar and Richard II with this company, both last year, and they were loads of fun, but I was largely finding my way in Shakespeare, and this is the first time I’ve taken on a major role, so that’s been hugely demanding,” he says.

“I’d worked with Robin and Maurice before in only a few scenes, so I thought, damn it, I really want to work with them more and it’s been very rewarding.”

• Henry IV Part One will be performed on August 7, 8, 14 and 15 at 2pm and August 12 at 7.15pm; Part Two will be staged on August 7, 8 and 13 to 15 at 7.15pm. Ticket prices are £10, concessions £7.50, for one play or £18, concessions £14, for two plays, available on 01904 623568 or online at yorktheatreroyal.co.uk