Street-level crime in TW15 1QW - York Press

Crime for TW15 1QW

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Street-level crime and anti-social behaviour in from the Home Office.

To protect privacy, crimes are mapped to points on or near the road where they occurred.

Street name Crime type

Police station and neighbourhood policing team

Neighbourhood police station

Staines Police Station
Staines Police Station
22 Kingston Road, Staines, Middlesex
TW18 4LQ

Opening hours: 8am-10pm daily (In exceptional circumstance station opening times may vary due to staff availability, please call main switchboard for daily confirmation.) No public parking available. Bank Holiday 9am-5pm

  • Telephone: 101
  • Email:

Ashford neighbourhood policing team

Police Constable Caroline Barnes (Youth Engagement)
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Surrey Police to request that they add this information.
Sergeant Chris Springett
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Surrey Police to request that they add this information.
Police Constable Kapil Sangwan
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Surrey Police to request that they add this information.
Police Constable Jake Robertson
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Surrey Police to request that they add this information.
Police Constable Matt Cramp
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Surrey Police to request that they add this information.
Office Manager Emma Mahoney
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Surrey Police to request that they add this information.
PCSO Zak Timmings
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Surrey Police to request that they add this information.
Inspector Matthew Walton (Borough Commander)
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Surrey Police to request that they add this information.
Police Constable Tia-Maria Barsamian
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Surrey Police to request that they add this information.
Licencing Officer Jacquie Clarke
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Surrey Police to request that they add this information.

About this neighbourhood

Opening hours: 8am-10pm daily (In exceptional circumstance station opening times may vary due to staff availability, please call main switchboard for daily confirmation.) No public parking available. Bank Holiday 9am-5pm

The force responsible for policing and crime prevention in this area is Surrey Police.

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Monthly crime data provided by under the Open Government Licence