A GROUP of York conservationists have set up a group to fight the introduction of a controversial type of gas drilling in the region.

The process, known as fracking, involves pumping high-pressure water and chemicals into undergound shale to release trapped gas. It has proved controversial and has even been blamed for two earth tremors which hit Blackpool last year.

Although there are no fracking sites in our region, the new group, called FRACK Free York – Our Clean Energy Future, believes current planning legislation could allow energy companies to use the process near York.

John Cossham, one of the group’s founders said: “The concerns are that there’s already permission in place in our area to drill for gas using a method called coal bed methane extraction and there’s a rig near Wigginton. I think if there’s already coal bed methane extraction another way of dealing with a coal bed is by fracking.”

FRACK Free York said it will now attempt to gain support among City of York Council members to form a clear policy against allowing the process to be used in York.

The group was formed ahead of a national demonstration due to take place in London today.