THESE photos give a whole new meaning to the phrase window shopping. They were taken by Press photographer Anthony Chappel-Ross in the space of just one hour on a recent December evening.

And they show just how much York is getting into the Christmas spirit.

The miniature scenes range from Santa in his sleigh, to tiny Christmas angels, a snowy street scene and Christmas trees.

Anthony also captured an atmospheric shot of Shambles at night with someone looking in a shop window.

At Betty’s, meanwhile, he took a wonderfully Christmassy photo of the Christmas tree in St Helen’s Square reflected in the tea rooms’ window.

The displays show York at its seasonal best.

Visit York chief executive Gillian Cruddas said that was hugely important at this time of year.

She said: “The atmosphere and ambience of York is frequently commented on by visitors as one of their favourite things about the city.

“Making the streets and shop windows inviting and special at Christmas time helps us to reinforce the message that York is the most Christmassy city in the UK, and that nowhere in Britain can beat York for throwing itself into the festive spirit.”

Susie Cawood of the York and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce agreed. She said: “York has the total package. It is a beautiful historic city, and it is good to see retailers really making an effort with the illuminations and the shop windows.”

As to how Christmas sales are going this year so far… It is a bit early to say yet, said Mrs Cruddas. She said: “There is a mixed picture across the city with some retailers reporting very strong trade, but others not doing as well. Overall, however, York is performing very well and attracting visitors from all across the UK and overseas.”

Peter Hanson, owner of the Cat Gallery in Stonegate, said: 'I am feeling very confident. Sales are strong and even better than last year. The great thing for us is that because of the timing of Christmas day all retailers will in essence have another strong weekend before the festivities begin, which means we are forecasting a better year than last. All the signs at the moment are very positive and trade is very good, both in the shop and through our online business.'