PUT SIMPLY, Britain is far from being the democracy our politicians insist we live in. Our enforced membership of the EU when the population wants no further part of it is hardly democratic.

Our elected representatives govern as they see fit and not as the electorate wishes.

A recent headline in a newspaper read: “500 British bosses tell the EU to take shackles off trade”. Yet such a job should be done by our elected representatives and not British bosses.

The EU is getting into more of a mess and is slowly falling apart. Britain does not want to be part of this crumbling behemoth.

Let Cyprus be a clear warning. Which country will be next as the EU falls apart? We must not be that country. “EU” is, of course, a euphemism for Germany and it is they who really run Europe.

Britain wants no further part of this lumbering dinosaur so let us out now.

Philip Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge, York.