I HAVE just read the article concerning the locating of sites in the area to form part of the local plan to accommodate showmen and travellers (The Press, May 9).

Apart from sticking out like a sore thumb on a prominent approach to the city, it was the apparently vast expense that would be incurred if potential sites were not to be identified, according to the cabinet member for housing, that struck me.

I decided to go ahead and identify a further prospective site in an endeavour to help our council.

To this end I read up on “how to pin the tail on a donkey”, obtaining a used pin and closing both eyes (in best council tradition) I stuck said pin into an old map of York.

Behold it landed on an old bowling green being used as a contractors’ site compound in Salisbury Terrace. What a wonderful location next to a veterinary surgery I thought, should any resident’s elephants, tigers or lions need an examination.

However, best of all, if a local councillor responsible for housing were to live nearby, she could then monitor the site from the comfort and safety of her own armchair.

Peter Elliott, Wetherby Road, York.