AN ARMY squadron has lowered its standard for the last time as the unit was disbanded.

The 10 Field Squadron, Royal Engineers, can trace its history back to 1806 and has contributed to British Army efforts in the Crimean War, the Boer War and both World Wars.

The North Yorkshire-based squadron was disbanded under the Future Army 2020 reorganisation and the personnel held their final parade.

At a special ceremony at RAF Leeming, there was a fly-past of three of the squadron’s Hawk jets and an inspection by Brigadier Ivan Jones.

It is the seventh time the 10 Field Squadron has been disbanded and its members will now be deployed to other regiments.

The Brigadier told the squadron and their families that he “had no doubt” he would see the squadron resurrected in the future.

The squadron is part of the Royal Engineers and so its 181 personnel are qualified in trades from driver to surveyor.

To represent this, the squadron made its final march through an archway created by two diggers bearing the squadron’s standard.

It was the lead air support squadron for the RAF, with the ability to move anywhere in the world to support the air force.