A SOLICITOR has raised £1,000 for York Hospital after he rode through 100 degree temperatures and up and down 16,000 ft of hills to get from London to Paris.

John Howard has a new respect for Tour de France cyclists after he had first-hand experience of their life, including riding along the Champs-Elysee and round the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

He rode for four days to Paris for the final stage of the world-famous race.

After completing his own cyling marathon raising money for York Hospital, he joined thousands of British fans cheering on winner Chris Froome and the rest of Team Sky for the Tour’s grand finale.

But he doesn’t intend to repeat his 300-mile ride next year.

“I wouldn’t do it again, it’s too gruelling,” he said.

Unlike for the Tour, the roads were not closed when Mr Howard, of Howard & Byrne, and his party of about 25 cycled round the Arc de Triomphe to finish their journey at the Eiffel Tower the day before the professional peloton arrived.

“It was very scary, but French drivers are better with cyclists. They treat you better and look out for you.”

His friend Kevin Frankson, also from York, raised about £5,000 for cancer research.