HUNDREDS of students at Pocklington School gathered for a photograph of the whole school as it gets ready to mark its 500th anniversary.

Pupils and staff assembled for the photo as a record of everyone in attendance as they celebrate 500 years since John Dolman founded the school.

Commemorations also include a bronze replica of the original foundation guild seal – created by former art teacher Pete Edwards – to mark the quincentenary.

Chairman of the governors Christopher Oughtred unveiled the one-metre diameter sculpture as the school photo was being taken last Friday.

The seal, which will go on display in the school, is a replica of the original 1514 artefact and features the Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus, school founder John Dolman and Bishop Nicholas of Myra, the patron saint of schoolboys.

The 500th anniversary celebrations will include the Pocklington 500 Historia Lectures, starting on September 25 with a talk by headteacher Mark Ronan, called 2014 – What Next? and the launch of Pocklington School: A Celebration of 500 Years, a book about the school’s foundation and history.

A later talk will look at the school’s most famous alumni William Wilberforce and his work against the slave trade.